Test FLAP for bad usage of choices option with logical
Type | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
type(command_line_interface) | :: | cli |
Command Line Interface (CLI). |
logical | :: | vbval |
Valued-boolean value. |
integer(kind=I4P) | :: | error |
Error trapping flag. |
program flap_test_choices_logical !< Test FLAP for bad usage of choices option with logical use flap, only : command_line_interface use penf implicit none type(command_line_interface) :: cli !< Command Line Interface (CLI). logical :: vbval !< Valued-boolean value. integer(I4P) :: error !< Error trapping flag. call cli%init(progname='test_choices_logical') call cli%add(switch='--boolean-value', switch_ab='-bv', help='A help message', & required=.false., def='.false.', choices='.True.,.False.', act='store', error=error) call cli%parse(error=error) call cli%get(switch='-bv', val=vbval, error=error) print "(A)", "Error code: "//trim(str(error, .true.)) endprogram flap_test_choices_logical