Get CLAs from string.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(command_line_interface), | intent(inout) | :: | self |
CLI data. |
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | args |
String containing command line arguments. |
integer(kind=I4P), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | ai(:,:) |
CLAs grouped indexes. |
subroutine get_args_from_string(self, args, ai) !< Get CLAs from string. class(command_line_interface), intent(inout) :: self !< CLI data. character(*), intent(in) :: args !< String containing command line arguments. integer(I4P), allocatable, intent(out) :: ai(:,:)!< CLAs grouped indexes. character(len=len_trim(args)) :: argsd !< Dummy string containing command line arguments. character(len=len_trim(args)), allocatable :: toks(:)!< CLAs tokenized. integer(I4P) :: Nt !< Number of tokens. integer(I4P) :: Na !< Number of command line arguments passed. integer(I4P) :: a !< Counter for CLAs. integer(I4P) :: t !< Counter for tokens. integer(I4P) :: c !< Counter for characters inside tokens. #ifndef __GFORTRAN__ integer(I4P) :: length !< Maxium lenght of arguments string. #endif ! prepare CLI arguments list if (allocated(self%args)) deallocate(self%args) ! sanitize arguments string argsd = trim(args) if (index(args,"'")>0) then argsd = sanitize_args(argsin=argsd,delimiter="'") elseif (index(args,'"')>0) then argsd = sanitize_args(argsin=argsd,delimiter='"') endif ! tokenize arguments string; the previously sanitized white spaces inside tokens are restored call tokenize(strin=argsd, delimiter=' ', toks=toks, Nt=Nt) Na = 0 find_number_of_valid_arguments: do t=1,Nt if (trim(adjustl(toks(t)))/='') then Na = Na + 1 do c=1,len(toks(t)) if (toks(t)(c:c)=="'") toks(t)(c:c)=" " enddo endif enddo find_number_of_valid_arguments if (Na > 0) then ! allocate CLI arguments list #ifdef __GFORTRAN__ allocate(self%args(1:Na)) #else length = 0 find_longest_arg: do t=1,Nt if (trim(adjustl(toks(t)))/='') length = max(length,len_trim(adjustl(toks(t)))) enddo find_longest_arg allocate(character(length):: self%args(1:Na)) #endif ! construct arguments list a = 0 get_args: do t=1,Nt if (trim(adjustl(toks(t)))/='') then a = a + 1 self%args(a) = trim(adjustl(toks(t))) endif enddo get_args endif call self%get_clasg_indexes(ai=ai) contains function sanitize_args(argsin, delimiter) result(sanitized) !< Sanitize arguments string. !< !< Substitute white spaces enclosed into string-arguments, i.e. 'string argument with spaces...' or !< "string argument with spaces..." with a safe equivalent for tokenization against white spaces, i.e. the finally tokenized !< string is string'argument'with'spaces... !< !< @note The white spaces are reintroduce later. character(*), intent(in) :: argsin !< Arguments string. character(*), intent(in) :: delimiter !< Delimiter enclosing string argument. character(len=len_trim(argsin)) :: sanitized !< Arguments string sanitized. character(len=len_trim(argsin)), allocatable :: tok(:) !< Arguments string tokens. integer(I4P) :: Nt !< Number of command line arguments passed. integer(I4P) :: t !< Counter. integer(I4P) :: tt !< Counter. call tokenize(strin=trim(argsin), delimiter=delimiter, toks=tok, Nt=Nt) do t=2, Nt, 2 do tt=1,len_trim(adjustl(tok(t))) if (tok(t)(tt:tt)==' ') tok(t)(tt:tt) = "'" enddo enddo sanitized = '' do t=1, Nt sanitized = trim(sanitized)//" "//trim(adjustl(tok(t))) enddo sanitized = trim(adjustl(sanitized)) endfunction sanitize_args endsubroutine get_args_from_string