vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~foxy.f90 foxy.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90->sourcefile~foxy.f90 sourcefile~penf.f90 penf.F90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~stringifor.f90 stringifor.F90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90->sourcefile~stringifor.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_parameters.f90 vtk_fortran_parameters.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_parameters.f90 sourcefile~foxy.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~foxy_xml_file.f90 foxy_xml_file.f90 sourcefile~foxy.f90->sourcefile~foxy_xml_file.f90 sourcefile~foxy_xml_tag.f90 foxy_xml_tag.F90 sourcefile~foxy.f90->sourcefile~foxy_xml_tag.f90 sourcefile~penf_b_size.f90 penf_b_size.F90 sourcefile~penf.f90->sourcefile~penf_b_size.f90 sourcefile~penf_global_parameters_variables.f90 penf_global_parameters_variables.F90 sourcefile~penf.f90->sourcefile~penf_global_parameters_variables.f90 sourcefile~penf_stringify.f90 penf_stringify.F90 sourcefile~penf.f90->sourcefile~penf_stringify.f90 sourcefile~stringifor.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~stringifor_string_t.f90 stringifor_string_t.F90 sourcefile~stringifor.f90->sourcefile~stringifor_string_t.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_parameters.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~foxy_xml_file.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~foxy_xml_file.f90->sourcefile~foxy_xml_tag.f90 sourcefile~foxy_xml_tag.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~foxy_xml_tag.f90->sourcefile~stringifor.f90 sourcefile~penf_b_size.f90->sourcefile~penf_global_parameters_variables.f90 sourcefile~penf_stringify.f90->sourcefile~penf_b_size.f90 sourcefile~penf_stringify.f90->sourcefile~penf_global_parameters_variables.f90 sourcefile~stringifor_string_t.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~befor64.f90 befor64.F90 sourcefile~stringifor_string_t.f90->sourcefile~befor64.f90 sourcefile~face.f90 face.F90 sourcefile~stringifor_string_t.f90->sourcefile~face.f90 sourcefile~befor64.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90 sourcefile~befor64_pack_data_m.f90 befor64_pack_data_m.F90 sourcefile~befor64.f90->sourcefile~befor64_pack_data_m.f90 sourcefile~befor64_pack_data_m.f90->sourcefile~penf.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_pvtk_file.f90 vtk_fortran_pvtk_file.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_pvtk_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_ascii_local.f90 vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_ascii_local.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_pvtk_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_ascii_local.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90 vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_appended.f90 vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_appended.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_appended.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_ascii_local.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_binary_local.f90 vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_binary_local.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_binary_local.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_appended.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_ascii_local.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_binary_local.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtm_file.f90 vtk_fortran_vtm_file.F90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtm_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtm_file.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_ascii_local.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_pvtk_file.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtk_file.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran_vtm_file.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_use_module_basic.f90 vtk_fortran_use_module_basic.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_use_module_basic.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_pvts.f90 vtk_fortran_write_pvts.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_pvts.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_volatile.f90 vtk_fortran_write_volatile.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_volatile.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtm.f90 vtk_fortran_write_vtm.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtm.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtr.f90 vtk_fortran_write_vtr.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtr.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vts.f90 vtk_fortran_write_vts.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vts.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtu.f90 vtk_fortran_write_vtu.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtu.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtu_tensor.f90 vtk_fortran_write_vtu_tensor.f90 sourcefile~vtk_fortran_write_vtu_tensor.f90->sourcefile~vtk_fortran.f90

Source Code

!< VTK file abstract XML writer.
module vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract
!< VTK file abstract XML writer.
use foxy
use penf
use stringifor
use vtk_fortran_parameters

implicit none
public :: xml_writer_abstract

type, abstract :: xml_writer_abstract
  !< VTK file abstract XML writer.
  type(string)  :: format_ch                       !< Output format, string code.
  type(string)  :: topology                        !< Mesh topology.
  integer(I4P)  :: indent=0_I4P                    !< Indent count.
  integer(I8P)  :: ioffset=0_I8P                   !< Offset count.
  integer(I4P)  :: xml=0_I4P                       !< XML Logical unit.
  integer(I4P)  :: vtm_block(1:2)=[-1_I4P, -1_I4P] !< Block indexes.
  integer(I4P)  :: error=0_I4P                     !< IO Error status.
  type(xml_tag) :: tag                             !< XML tags handler.
  logical       :: is_volatile=.false.             !< Flag to check volatile writer.
  type(string)  :: xml_volatile                    !< XML file volatile (not a physical file).
    ! public methods (some deferred)
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: close_xml_file               !< Close xml file.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: open_xml_file                !< Open xml file.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: free                         !< Free allocated memory.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: get_xml_volatile             !< Return the XML volatile string file.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_connectivity           !< Write connectivity.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_dataarray_location_tag !< Write dataarray location tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_dataarray_tag          !< Write dataarray tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_dataarray_tag_appended !< Write dataarray appended tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_end_tag                !< Write `</tag_name>` end tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_header_tag             !< Write header tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_parallel_open_block    !< Write parallel open block.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_parallel_close_block   !< Write parallel close block.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_parallel_dataarray     !< Write parallel dataarray.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_parallel_geo           !< Write parallel geo.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_self_closing_tag       !< Write self closing tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_start_tag              !< Write start tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_tag                    !< Write tag.
    procedure,                                 pass(self) :: write_topology_tag           !< Write topology tag.
    procedure(initialize_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: initialize                   !< Initialize writer.
    procedure(finalize_interface),   deferred, pass(self) :: finalize                     !< Finalize writer.
    generic :: write_dataarray =>          &
               write_dataarray1_rank1_R8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank1_R4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank1_I8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank1_I4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank1_I2P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank1_I1P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank2_R8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank2_R4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank2_I8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank2_I4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank2_I2P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank2_I1P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank3_R8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank3_R4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank3_I8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank3_I4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank3_I2P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank3_I1P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank4_R8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank4_R4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank4_I8P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank4_I4P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank4_I2P, &
               write_dataarray1_rank4_I1P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank1_R8P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank1_R4P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank1_I8P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank1_I4P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank1_I2P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank1_I1P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank3_R8P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank3_R4P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank3_I8P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank3_I4P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank3_I2P, &
               write_dataarray3_rank3_I1P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank1_R8P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank1_R4P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank1_I8P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank1_I4P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank1_I2P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank1_I1P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank3_R8P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank3_R4P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank3_I8P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank3_I4P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank3_I2P, &
               write_dataarray6_rank3_I1P, &
               write_dataarray_location_tag !< Write data (array).
    generic :: write_fielddata =>      &
               write_fielddata1_rank0, &
               write_fielddata_tag !< Write FieldData tag.
    generic :: write_geo =>                    &
               write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R8P, &
               write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R4P, &
               write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R8P, &
               write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R4P, &
               write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R8P, &
               write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R4P, &
               write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R8P, &
               write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R4P, &
               write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R8P, &
               write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R4P, &
               write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R8P, &
               write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R4P, &
               write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R8P, &
               write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R4P !< Write mesh.
    generic :: write_parallel_block_files =>     &
               write_parallel_block_file,        &
               write_parallel_block_files_array, &
               write_parallel_block_files_string !< Write block list of files.
    generic :: write_piece =>              &
               write_piece_start_tag,      &
               write_piece_start_tag_unst, &
               write_piece_end_tag !< Write Piece start/end tag.
    ! deferred methods
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank1_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank1_R8P !< Data 1, rank 1, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank1_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank1_R4P !< Data 1, rank 1, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank1_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank1_I8P !< Data 1, rank 1, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank1_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank1_I4P !< Data 1, rank 1, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank1_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank1_I2P !< Data 1, rank 1, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank1_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank1_I1P !< Data 1, rank 1, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank2_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank2_R8P !< Data 1, rank 2, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank2_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank2_R4P !< Data 1, rank 2, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank2_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank2_I8P !< Data 1, rank 2, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank2_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank2_I4P !< Data 1, rank 2, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank2_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank2_I2P !< Data 1, rank 2, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank2_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank2_I1P !< Data 1, rank 2, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank3_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank3_R8P !< Data 1, rank 3, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank3_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank3_R4P !< Data 1, rank 3, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank3_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank3_I8P !< Data 1, rank 3, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank3_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank3_I4P !< Data 1, rank 3, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank3_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank3_I2P !< Data 1, rank 3, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank3_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank3_I1P !< Data 1, rank 3, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank4_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank4_R8P !< Data 1, rank 4, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank4_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank4_R4P !< Data 1, rank 4, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank4_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank4_I8P !< Data 1, rank 4, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank4_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank4_I4P !< Data 1, rank 4, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank4_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank4_I2P !< Data 1, rank 4, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray1_rank4_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray1_rank4_I1P !< Data 1, rank 4, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank1_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank1_R8P !< Data 3, rank 1, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank1_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank1_R4P !< Data 3, rank 1, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank1_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank1_I8P !< Data 3, rank 1, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank1_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank1_I4P !< Data 3, rank 1, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank1_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank1_I2P !< Data 3, rank 1, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank1_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank1_I1P !< Data 3, rank 1, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank3_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank3_R8P !< Data 3, rank 3, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank3_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank3_R4P !< Data 3, rank 3, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank3_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank3_I8P !< Data 3, rank 3, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank3_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank3_I4P !< Data 3, rank 3, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank3_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank3_I2P !< Data 3, rank 3, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray3_rank3_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray3_rank3_I1P !< Data 3, rank 3, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank1_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank1_R8P !< Data 3, rank 1, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank1_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank1_R4P !< Data 3, rank 1, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank1_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank1_I8P !< Data 3, rank 1, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank1_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank1_I4P !< Data 3, rank 1, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank1_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank1_I2P !< Data 3, rank 1, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank1_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank1_I1P !< Data 3, rank 1, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank3_R8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank3_R8P !< Data 3, rank 3, R8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank3_R4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank3_R4P !< Data 3, rank 3, R4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank3_I8P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank3_I8P !< Data 3, rank 3, I8P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank3_I4P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank3_I4P !< Data 3, rank 3, I4P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank3_I2P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank3_I2P !< Data 3, rank 3, I2P.
    procedure(write_dataarray6_rank3_I1P_interface), deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray6_rank3_I1P !< Data 3, rank 3, I1P.
    procedure(write_dataarray_appended_interface),   deferred, pass(self) :: write_dataarray_appended   !< Write appended.
    ! private methods
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_fielddata1_rank0            !< Write FieldData tag (data 1, rank 0, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_fielddata_tag               !< Write FieldData tag.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R8P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 1, rank 2, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R4P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 1, rank 2, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R8P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 1, rank 4, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R4P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 1, rank 4, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R8P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 1, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R4P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 1, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R8P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 3, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R4P    !< Write **StructuredGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 3, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R8P    !< Write **RectilinearGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 1, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R4P    !< Write **RectilinearGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 1, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R8P    !< Write **UnstructuredGrid** mesh (data 1, rank 2, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R4P    !< Write **UnstructuredGrid** mesh (data 1, rank 2, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R8P    !< Write **UnstructuredGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 1, R8P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R4P    !< Write **UnstructuredGrid** mesh (data 3, rank 1, R4P).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_piece_start_tag             !< Write `<Piece ...>` start tag.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_piece_start_tag_unst        !< Write `<Piece ...>` start tag for unstructured topology.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_piece_end_tag               !< Write `</Piece>` end tag.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_parallel_block_file         !< Write single file that belong to the current block.
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_parallel_block_files_array  !< Write block list of files (array input).
    procedure, pass(self), private :: write_parallel_block_files_string !< Write block list of files (string input).
endtype xml_writer_abstract

abstract interface
  function initialize_interface(self, format, filename, mesh_topology, nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2, &
                                is_volatile, mesh_kind) result(error)
  !< Initialize writer.
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: format        !< File format: ASCII.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: filename      !< File name.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: mesh_topology !< Mesh topology.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nx1           !< Initial node of x axis.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nx2           !< Final node of x axis.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: ny1           !< Initial node of y axis.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: ny2           !< Final node of y axis.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nz1           !< Initial node of z axis.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nz2           !< Final node of z axis.
  character(*),               intent(in), optional :: mesh_kind     !< Kind of mesh data: Float64, Float32, ecc.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_volatile   !< Flag to check volatile writer.
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction initialize_interface

   function finalize_interface(self) result(error)
   !< Finalize writer.
   import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.
   endfunction finalize_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank1_R8P_interface(self, data_name, x, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="1"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank1_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank1_R4P_interface(self, data_name, x, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="1"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank1_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank1_I8P_interface(self, data_name, x, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="1"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank1_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank1_I4P_interface(self, data_name, x, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="1"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank1_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank1_I2P_interface(self, data_name, x, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="1"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank1_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank1_I1P_interface(self, data_name, x, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="1"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank1_I1P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank2_R8P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:)      !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank2_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank2_R4P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:)      !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank2_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank2_I8P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:)      !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank2_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank2_I4P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:)      !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank2_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank2_I2P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:)      !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank2_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank2_I1P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:)      !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank2_I1P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank3_R8P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)   !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank3_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank3_R4P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)   !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank3_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank3_I8P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)   !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank3_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank3_I4P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)   !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank3_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank3_I2P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)   !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank3_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank3_I1P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name     !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)   !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples     !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank3_I1P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank4_R8P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self           !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name      !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component  !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples      !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error          !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank4_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank4_R4P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self           !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name      !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component  !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples      !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error          !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank4_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank4_I8P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self           !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name      !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component  !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples      !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error          !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank4_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank4_I4P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self           !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name      !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component  !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples      !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error          !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank4_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank4_I2P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self           !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name      !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component  !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples      !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error          !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank4_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray1_rank4_I1P_interface(self, data_name, x, one_component, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="n"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self           !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name      !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< Data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: one_component  !< Force one component.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples      !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error          !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray1_rank4_I1P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank1_R8P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank1_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank1_R4P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank1_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank1_I8P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank1_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank1_I4P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank1_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank1_I2P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank1_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank1_I1P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank1_I1P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank3_R8P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank3_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank3_R4P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank3_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank3_I8P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank3_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank3_I4P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank3_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank3_I2P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank3_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray3_rank3_I1P_interface(self, data_name, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="3"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray3_rank3_I1P_interface
  function write_dataarray6_rank1_R8P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: u(1:)        !< U component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: v(1:)        !< V component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: w(1:)        !< W component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank1_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank1_R4P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: u(1:)        !< U component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: v(1:)        !< V component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: w(1:)        !< W component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank1_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank1_I8P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:)        !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:)        !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:)        !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank1_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank1_I4P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:)        !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:)        !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:)        !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank1_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank1_I2P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:)        !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:)        !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:)        !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank1_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank1_I1P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:)        !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:)        !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:)        !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:)        !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:)        !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:)        !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank1_I1P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank3_R8P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: u(1:,1:,1:)  !< U component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: v(1:,1:,1:)  !< V component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: w(1:,1:,1:)  !< W component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R8P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank3_R8P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank3_R4P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (R4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, R4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: u(1:,1:,1:)  !< U component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: v(1:,1:,1:)  !< V component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: w(1:,1:,1:)  !< W component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  real(R4P),                  intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank3_R4P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank3_I8P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I8P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P, I8P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:,1:,1:)  !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:,1:,1:)  !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:,1:,1:)  !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I8P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank3_I8P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank3_I4P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I4P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:,1:,1:)  !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:,1:,1:)  !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:,1:,1:)  !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank3_I4P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank3_I2P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I2P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I2P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:,1:,1:)  !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:,1:,1:)  !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:,1:,1:)  !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I2P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank3_I2P_interface

  function write_dataarray6_rank3_I1P_interface(self, data_name, u, v, w, x, y, z, is_tuples) result(error)
  !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfComponents="6"...>...</DataArray>` tag (I1P).
  import :: xml_writer_abstract, I1P, I4P
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
  character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name    !< Data name.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: u(1:,1:,1:)  !< U component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: v(1:,1:,1:)  !< V component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: w(1:,1:,1:)  !< W component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: x(1:,1:,1:)  !< X component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: y(1:,1:,1:)  !< Y component of data variable.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)           :: z(1:,1:,1:)  !< Z component of data variable.
  logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples    !< Use "NumberOfTuples" instead of "NumberOfComponents".
  integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
  endfunction write_dataarray6_rank3_I1P_interface

  subroutine write_dataarray_appended_interface(self)
  !< Write `<AppendedData...>...</AppendedData>` tag.
  import :: xml_writer_abstract
  class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self !< Writer.
  endsubroutine write_dataarray_appended_interface
   ! files methods
   subroutine close_xml_file(self)
   !< Close XML file.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self !< Writer.

   if (.not.self%is_volatile) close(unit=self%xml, iostat=self%error)
   endsubroutine close_xml_file

   subroutine open_xml_file(self, filename)
   !< Open XML file.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self     !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)    :: filename !< File name.

   if (.not.self%is_volatile) then
      open(newunit=self%xml,             &
           file=trim(adjustl(filename)), &
           form='UNFORMATTED',           &
           access='STREAM',              &
           action='WRITE',               &
           status='REPLACE',             &
      self%xml_volatile = ''
   endsubroutine open_xml_file

   elemental subroutine free(self, error)
   !< Free allocated memory.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)         :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(out), optional :: error !< Error status.

   call self%format_ch%free
   call self%topology%free
   self%vtm_block(1:2)=[-1_I4P, -1_I4P]
   call self%tag%free
   call self%xml_volatile%free
   endsubroutine free

   pure subroutine get_xml_volatile(self, xml_volatile, error)
   !< Return the eventual XML volatile string file.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(in)               :: self         !< Writer.
   character(len=:),           intent(out), allocatable :: xml_volatile !< XML volatile file.
   integer(I4P),               intent(out), optional    :: error        !< Error status.

   if (self%is_volatile) then
      xml_volatile = self%xml_volatile%raw
   endsubroutine get_xml_volatile

   ! tag methods
   subroutine write_end_tag(self, name)
   !< Write `</tag_name>` end tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)    :: name !< Tag name.

   self%indent = self%indent - 2
   self%tag = xml_tag(name=name, indent=self%indent)
   if (.not.self%is_volatile) then
      call self%tag%write(unit=self%xml, iostat=self%error, is_indented=.true., end_record=end_rec, only_end=.true.)
      self%xml_volatile = self%xml_volatile//self%tag%stringify(is_indented=.true., only_end=.true.)//end_rec
   endsubroutine write_end_tag

   subroutine write_header_tag(self)
   !< Write header tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self   !< Writer.
   type(string)                              :: buffer !< Buffer string.

   buffer = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'//end_rec
   if (endian==endianL) then
      buffer = buffer//'<VTKFile type="'//self%topology//'" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian">'
      buffer = buffer//'<VTKFile type="'//self%topology//'" version="1.0" byte_order="BigEndian">'
   if (.not.self%is_volatile) then
      write(unit=self%xml, iostat=self%error)buffer//end_rec
      self%xml_volatile = self%xml_volatile//buffer//end_rec
   self%indent = 2
   endsubroutine write_header_tag

   subroutine write_self_closing_tag(self, name, attributes)
   !< Write `<tag_name.../>` self closing tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self       !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: name       !< Tag name.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: attributes !< Tag attributes.

   self%tag = xml_tag(name=name, attributes_stream=attributes, sanitize_attributes_value=.true., indent=self%indent, &
   if (.not.self%is_volatile) then
      call self%tag%write(unit=self%xml, iostat=self%error, is_indented=.true., end_record=end_rec)
      self%xml_volatile = self%xml_volatile//self%tag%stringify(is_indented=.true.)//end_rec
   endsubroutine write_self_closing_tag

   subroutine write_start_tag(self, name, attributes)
   !< Write `<tag_name...>` start tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self       !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: name       !< Tag name.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: attributes !< Tag attributes.

   self%tag = xml_tag(name=name, attributes_stream=attributes, sanitize_attributes_value=.true., indent=self%indent)
   if (.not.self%is_volatile) then
      call self%tag%write(unit=self%xml, iostat=self%error, is_indented=.true., end_record=end_rec, only_start=.true.)
      self%xml_volatile = self%xml_volatile//self%tag%stringify(is_indented=.true., only_start=.true.)//end_rec
   self%indent = self%indent + 2
   endsubroutine write_start_tag

   subroutine write_tag(self, name, attributes, content)
   !< Write `<tag_name...>...</tag_name>` tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self       !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: name       !< Tag name.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: attributes !< Tag attributes.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: content    !< Tag content.

   self%tag = xml_tag(name=name, attributes_stream=attributes, sanitize_attributes_value=.true., content=content, &
   if (.not.self%is_volatile) then
      call self%tag%write(unit=self%xml, iostat=self%error, is_indented=.true., is_content_indented=.true., end_record=end_rec)
      self%xml_volatile = self%xml_volatile//self%tag%stringify(is_indented=.true., is_content_indented=.true.)//end_rec
   endsubroutine write_tag

   subroutine write_topology_tag(self, nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2, mesh_kind)
   !< Write XML topology tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self      !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nx1       !< Initial node of x axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nx2       !< Final node of x axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: ny1       !< Initial node of y axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: ny2       !< Final node of y axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nz1       !< Initial node of z axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nz2       !< Final node of z axis.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: mesh_kind !< Kind of mesh data: Float64, Float32, ecc.
   type(string)                                     :: buffer    !< Buffer string.

   buffer = ''
   select case(self%topology%chars())
   case('RectilinearGrid', 'StructuredGrid')
      buffer = 'WholeExtent="'//                             &
               trim(str(n=nx1))//' '//trim(str(n=nx2))//' '//&
               trim(str(n=ny1))//' '//trim(str(n=ny2))//' '//&
               trim(str(n=nz1))//' '//trim(str(n=nz2))//'"'
   case('PRectilinearGrid', 'PStructuredGrid')
      buffer = 'WholeExtent="'//                             &
               trim(str(n=nx1))//' '//trim(str(n=nx2))//' '//&
               trim(str(n=ny1))//' '//trim(str(n=ny2))//' '//&
               trim(str(n=nz1))//' '//trim(str(n=nz2))//'" GhostLevel="#"'
      buffer = 'GhostLevel="0"'
   call self%write_start_tag(name=self%topology%chars(), attributes=buffer%chars())
   ! parallel topologies peculiars
   select case(self%topology%chars())
      if (.not.present(mesh_kind)) then
         self%error = 1
      call self%write_start_tag(name='PCoordinates')
      call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='PDataArray', attributes='type="'//trim(mesh_kind)//'"')
      call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='PDataArray', attributes='type="'//trim(mesh_kind)//'"')
      call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='PDataArray', attributes='type="'//trim(mesh_kind)//'"')
      call self%write_end_tag(name='PCoordinates')
   case('PStructuredGrid', 'PUnstructuredGrid')
      if (.not.present(mesh_kind)) then
         self%error = 1
      call self%write_start_tag(name='PPoints')
      call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='PDataArray', &
                                       attributes='type="'//trim(mesh_kind)//'" NumberOfComponents="3" Name="Points"')
      call self%write_end_tag(name='PPoints')
   endsubroutine write_topology_tag

   ! write_dataarray
   subroutine write_dataarray_tag(self, data_type, number_of_components, data_name, data_content, is_tuples)
   !< Write `<DataArray...>...</DataArray>` tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self                 !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_type            !< Type of dataarray.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: number_of_components !< Number of dataarray components.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name            !< Data name.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: data_content         !< Data content.
   logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples            !< Use "NumberOfTuples".
   type(string)                                     :: tag_attributes       !< Tag attributes.
   logical                                          :: is_tuples_           !< Use "NumberOfTuples".

   is_tuples_ = .false.
   if (present(is_tuples)) is_tuples_ = is_tuples
   if (is_tuples_) then
      tag_attributes = 'type="'//trim(adjustl(data_type))//             &
        '" NumberOfTuples="'//trim(str(number_of_components, .true.))// &
        '" Name="'//trim(adjustl(data_name))//                          &
        '" format="'//self%format_ch//'"'
      tag_attributes = 'type="'//trim(adjustl(data_type))//                 &
        '" NumberOfComponents="'//trim(str(number_of_components, .true.))// &
        '" Name="'//trim(adjustl(data_name))//                              &
        '" format="'//self%format_ch//'"'
   call self%write_tag(name='DataArray', attributes=tag_attributes%chars(), content=data_content)
   endsubroutine write_dataarray_tag

   subroutine write_dataarray_tag_appended(self, data_type, number_of_components, data_name, is_tuples)
   !< Write `<DataArray.../>` tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self                 !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_type            !< Type of dataarray.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: number_of_components !< Number of dataarray components.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name            !< Data name.
   logical,                    intent(in), optional :: is_tuples            !< Use "NumberOfTuples".
   type(string)                                     :: tag_attributes       !< Tag attributes.
   logical                                          :: is_tuples_           !< Use "NumberOfTuples".

   is_tuples_ = .false.
   if (present(is_tuples)) is_tuples_ = is_tuples
   if (is_tuples_) then
      tag_attributes =  'type="'//trim(adjustl(data_type))//            &
        '" NumberOfTuples="'//trim(str(number_of_components, .true.))// &
        '" Name="'//trim(adjustl(data_name))//                          &
        '" format="'//self%format_ch//                                  &
        '" offset="'//trim(str(self%ioffset, .true.))//'"'
      tag_attributes = 'type="'//trim(adjustl(data_type))//                 &
        '" NumberOfComponents="'//trim(str(number_of_components, .true.))// &
        '" Name="'//trim(adjustl(data_name))//                              &
        '" format="'//self%format_ch//                                      &
        '" offset="'//trim(str(self%ioffset, .true.))//'"'
   call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataArray', attributes=tag_attributes%chars())
   endsubroutine write_dataarray_tag_appended

   function write_dataarray_location_tag(self, location, action) result(error)
   !< Write `<[/]PointData>` or `<[/]CellData>` open/close tag.
   !< @note **must** be called before saving the data related to geometric mesh, this function initializes the
   !< saving of data variables indicating the *location* (node or cell centered) of variables that will be saved.
   !< @note A single file can contain both cell and node centered variables. In this case the VTK_DAT_XML function must be
   !< called two times, before saving cell-centered variables and before saving node-centered variables.
   !<### Examples of usage
   !<#### Opening node piece
   !< error = vtk%write_dataarray('node','OPeN')
   !<#### Closing node piece
   !< error = vtk%write_dataarray('node','Close')
   !<#### Opening cell piece
   !< error = vtk%write_dataarray('cell','OPEN')
   !<#### Closing cell piece
   !< error = vtk%write_dataarray('cell','close')
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self      !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)    :: location  !< Location of variables: **cell** or **node** centered.
   character(*),               intent(in)    :: action    !< Action: **open** or **close** tag.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error     !< Error status.
   type(string)                              :: location_ !< Location string.
   type(string)                              :: action_   !< Action string.

   location_ = trim(adjustl(location)) ; location_ = location_%upper()
   action_ = trim(adjustl(action)) ; action_ = action_%upper()
   select case(location_%chars())
      location_ = 'CellData'
      location_ = 'PointData'
   select case(self%topology%chars())
   case('PRectilinearGrid', 'PStructuredGrid', 'PUnstructuredGrid')
      location_ = 'P'//location_
   select case(action_%chars())
      call self%write_start_tag(name=location_%chars())
      call self%write_end_tag(name=location_%chars())
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_dataarray_location_tag

   ! write_fielddata methods
   function write_fielddata1_rank0(self, data_name, x) result(error)
   !< Write `<DataArray... NumberOfTuples="..."...>...</DataArray>` tag (R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self      !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)    :: data_name !< Data name.
   class(*),                   intent(in)    :: x         !< Data variable.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error     !< Error status.

   select type(x)
   type is(real(R8P))
      self%error = self%write_dataarray(data_name=data_name, x=[x], is_tuples=.true.)
   type is(real(R4P))
      self%error = self%write_dataarray(data_name=data_name, x=[x], is_tuples=.true.)
   type is(integer(I8P))
      self%error = self%write_dataarray(data_name=data_name, x=[x], is_tuples=.true.)
   type is(integer(I4P))
      self%error = self%write_dataarray(data_name=data_name, x=[x], is_tuples=.true.)
   type is(integer(I2P))
      self%error = self%write_dataarray(data_name=data_name, x=[x], is_tuples=.true.)
   type is(integer(I1P))
      self%error = self%write_dataarray(data_name=data_name, x=[x], is_tuples=.true.)
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_fielddata1_rank0

   function write_fielddata_tag(self, action) result(error)
   !< Write `<FieldData>`/`</FieldData>` start/end tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self      !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)    :: action    !< Action: **open** or **close** tag.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error     !< Error status.
   type(string)                              :: action_   !< Action string.

   action_ = trim(adjustl(action)) ; action_ = action_%upper()
   select case(action_%chars())
      call self%write_start_tag(name='FieldData')
      call self%write_end_tag(name='FieldData')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_fielddata_tag

   ! write_piece methods
   function write_piece_start_tag(self, nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2) result(error)
   !< Write `<Piece ...>` start tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self           !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nx1            !< Initial node of x axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nx2            !< Final node of x axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: ny1            !< Initial node of y axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: ny2            !< Final node of y axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nz1            !< Initial node of z axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nz2            !< Final node of z axis.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error          !< Error status.
   type(string)                              :: tag_attributes !< Tag attributes.

   tag_attributes = 'Extent="'//trim(str(n=nx1))//' '//trim(str(n=nx2))//' '// &
                                trim(str(n=ny1))//' '//trim(str(n=ny2))//' '// &
                                trim(str(n=nz1))//' '//trim(str(n=nz2))//'"'
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Piece', attributes=tag_attributes%chars())
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_piece_start_tag

   function write_piece_start_tag_unst(self, np, nc) result(error)
   !< Write `<Piece ...>` start tag for unstructured topology.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self           !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: np             !< Number of points.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nc             !< Number of cells.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error          !< Error status.
   type(string)                              :: tag_attributes !< Tag attributes.

   tag_attributes = 'NumberOfPoints="'//trim(str(n=np))//'" NumberOfCells="'//trim(str(n=nc))//'"'
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Piece', attributes=tag_attributes%chars())
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_piece_start_tag_unst

   function write_piece_end_tag(self) result(error)
   !< Write `</Piece>` end tag.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   call self%write_end_tag(name='Piece')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_piece_end_tag

   ! write_geo_rect methods
   function write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R8P(self, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **RectilinearGrid** topology (data 3, rank 1, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Coordinates')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='X', x=x)
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Y', x=y)
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Z', x=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Coordinates')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R8P

   function write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R4P(self, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **RectilinearGrid** topology (data 3, rank 1, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Coordinates')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='X', x=x)
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Y', x=y)
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Z', x=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Coordinates')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_rect_data3_rank1_R4P

   ! write_geo_strg methods
   function write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R8P(self, xyz) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 2, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self       !< Writer.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: xyz(1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,1:n].
   integer(I4P)                              :: error      !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R8P

   function write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R4P(self, xyz) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 2, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self       !< Writer.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: xyz(1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,:].
   integer(I4P)                              :: error      !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data1_rank2_R4P

   function write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R8P(self, xyz) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 4, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self             !< Writer.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: xyz(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,:,:,:].
   integer(I4P)                              :: error            !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R8P

   function write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R4P(self, xyz) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 4, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self             !< Writer.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: xyz(1:,1:,1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,:,:,:].
   integer(I4P)                              :: error            !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data1_rank4_R4P

   function write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R8P(self, n, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 3, rank 1, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: n     !< Number of nodes.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   if ((n/=size(x, dim=1)).or.(n/=size(y, dim=1)).or.(n/=size(z, dim=1))) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=x, y=y, z=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R8P

   function write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R4P(self, n, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 3, rank 1, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: n     !< Number of nodes.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   if ((n/=size(x, dim=1)).or.(n/=size(y, dim=1)).or.(n/=size(z, dim=1))) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=x, y=y, z=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data3_rank1_R4P

   function write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R8P(self, n, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 3, rank 3, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self        !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: n           !< Number of nodes.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:,1:,1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:,1:,1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:,1:,1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error       !< Error status.

   if ((n/=size(x, dim=1)*size(x, dim=2)*size(x, dim=3)).or.&
       (n/=size(y, dim=1)*size(y, dim=2)*size(y, dim=3)).or.&
       (n/=size(z, dim=1)*size(z, dim=2)*size(z, dim=3))) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=x, y=y, z=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R8P

   function write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R4P(self, n, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **StructuredGrid** topology (data 3, rank 3, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self        !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: n           !< Number of nodes.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:,1:,1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:,1:,1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:,1:,1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error       !< Error status.

   if ((n/=size(x, dim=1)*size(x, dim=2)*size(x, dim=3)).or.&
       (n/=size(y, dim=1)*size(y, dim=2)*size(y, dim=3)).or.&
       (n/=size(z, dim=1)*size(z, dim=2)*size(z, dim=3))) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=x, y=y, z=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_strg_data3_rank3_R4P

   ! write_geo_unst methods
   function write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R8P(self, np, nc, xyz) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **UnstructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 2, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self       !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: np         !< Number of points.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nc         !< Number of cells.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: xyz(1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,:].
   integer(I4P)                              :: error      !< Error status.

   if (np/=size(xyz, dim=2)) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R8P

   function write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R4P(self, np, nc, xyz) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **UnstructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 2, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self       !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: np         !< Number of points.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nc         !< Number of cells.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: xyz(1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,:].
   integer(I4P)                              :: error      !< Error status.

   if (np/=size(xyz, dim=2)) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R4P

   function write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R8P(self, np, nc, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **UnstructuredGrid** topology (data 3, rank 1, R8P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: np    !< Number of points.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nc    !< Number of cells.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R8P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   if ((np/=size(x, dim=1)).or.(np/=size(y, dim=1)).or.(np/=size(z, dim=1))) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=x, y=y, z=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R8P

   function write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R4P(self, np, nc, x, y, z) result(error)
   !< Write mesh with **UnstructuredGrid** topology (data 3, rank 1, R4P).
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: np    !< Number of points.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nc    !< Number of cells.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: x(1:) !< X coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: y(1:) !< Y coordinates.
   real(R4P),                  intent(in)    :: z(1:) !< Z coordinates.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   if ((np/=size(x, dim=1)).or.(np/=size(y, dim=1)).or.(np/=size(z, dim=1))) then
      self%error = 1
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=x, y=y, z=z)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_geo_unst_data3_rank1_R4P

   function write_connectivity(self, nc, connectivity, offset, cell_type, face, faceoffset) result(error)
   !< Write mesh connectivity.
   !< **Must** be used when unstructured grid is used, it saves the connectivity of the unstructured gird.
   !< @note The vector **connect** must follow the VTK-XML standard. It is passed as *assumed-shape array*
   !< because its dimensions is related to the mesh dimensions in a complex way. Its dimensions can be calculated by the following
   !< equation: \(dc = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{NC} {nvertex_i }\).
   !< Note that this equation is different from the legacy one. The XML connectivity convention is quite different from the
   !< legacy standard.
   !< As an example suppose we have a mesh composed by 2 cells, one hexahedron (8 vertices) and one pyramid with
   !< square basis (5 vertices) and suppose that the basis of pyramid is constitute by a face of the hexahedron and so the two cells
   !< share 4 vertices. The above equation gives \(dc=8+5=13\). The connectivity vector for this mesh can be:
   !<##### first cell
   !<+ connect(1)  = 0 identification flag of \(1^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(2)  = 1 identification flag of \(2^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(3)  = 2 identification flag of \(3^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(4)  = 3 identification flag of \(4^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(5)  = 4 identification flag of \(5^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(6)  = 5 identification flag of \(6^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(7)  = 6 identification flag of \(7^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<+ connect(8)  = 7 identification flag of \(8^\circ\) vertex of first cell
   !<##### second cell
   !<+ connect(9 ) = 0 identification flag of \(1^\circ\) vertex of second cell
   !<+ connect(10) = 1 identification flag of \(2^\circ\) vertex of second cell
   !<+ connect(11) = 2 identification flag of \(3^\circ\) vertex of second cell
   !<+ connect(12) = 3 identification flag of \(4^\circ\) vertex of second cell
   !<+ connect(13) = 8 identification flag of \(5^\circ\) vertex of second cell
   !< Therefore this connectivity vector convention is more simple than the legacy convention, now we must create also the
   !< *offset* vector that contains the data now missing in the *connect* vector. The offset
   !< vector for this mesh can be:
   !<##### first cell
   !<+ offset(1) = 8  => summ of nodes of \(1^\circ\) cell
   !<##### second cell
   !<+ offset(2) = 13 => summ of nodes of \(1^\circ\) and \(2^\circ\) cells
   !< The value of every cell-offset can be calculated by the following equation: \(offset_c=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{c}{nvertex_i}\)
   !< where \(offset_c\) is the value of \(c^{th}\) cell and \(nvertex_i\) is the number of vertices of \(i^{th}\) cell.
   !< The function VTK_CON_XML does not calculate the connectivity and offset vectors: it writes the connectivity and offset
   !< vectors conforming the VTK-XML standard, but does not calculate them.
   !< The vector variable *cell\_type* must conform the VTK-XML standard (see the file VTK-Standard at the
   !< Kitware homepage) that is the same of the legacy standard. It contains the
   !< *type* of each cells. For the above example this vector is:
   !<##### first cell
   !<+ cell\_type(1) = 12 hexahedron type of first cell
   !<##### second cell
   !<+ cell\_type(2) = 14 pyramid type of second cell
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self             !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: nc               !< Number of cells.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: connectivity(1:) !< Mesh connectivity.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)    :: offset(1:)       !< Cell offset.
   integer(I4P),   optional,   intent(in)    :: face(1:)         !< face composing the polyhedra.
   integer(I4P),   optional,   intent(in)    :: faceoffset(1:)   !< face offset.
   integer(I1P),               intent(in)    :: cell_type(1:)    !< VTK cell type.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error            !< Error status.

   call self%write_start_tag(name='Cells')
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='connectivity', x=connectivity)
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='offsets', x=offset)
   error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='types', x=cell_type)
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Cells')

   !< Add faces and faceoffsets to the cell block for polyhedra. If the cell is not a polyhedron, its offset must be set to -1.
   if(present(face).and. present(faceoffset)) then
        error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='faces', x=face)
        error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='faceoffsets', x=faceoffset)
   endfunction write_connectivity

   ! write_parallel methods
   function write_parallel_open_block(self, name) result(error)
   !< Write a block (open) container.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self   !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: name   !< Block name.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: error  !< Error status.
   type(string)                                     :: buffer !< Buffer string.

   self%vtm_block = self%vtm_block + 1
   if (present(name)) then
      buffer = 'index="'//trim(str((self%vtm_block(1) + self%vtm_block(2)),.true.))//'" name="'//trim(adjustl(name))//'"'
      buffer = 'index="'//trim(str((self%vtm_block(1) + self%vtm_block(2)),.true.))//'"'
   call self%write_start_tag(name='Block', attributes=buffer%chars())
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_open_block

   function write_parallel_close_block(self) result(error)
   !< Close a block container.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self  !< Writer.
   integer(I4P)                              :: error !< Error status.

   self%vtm_block(2) = -1
   call self%write_end_tag(name='Block')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_close_block

   function write_parallel_dataarray(self, data_name, data_type, number_of_components) result(error)
   !< Write parallel (partitioned) VTK-XML dataarray info.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self                 !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_name            !< Data name.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: data_type            !< Type of dataarray.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: number_of_components !< Number of dataarray components.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: error                !< Error status.
   type(string)                                     :: buffer               !< Buffer string.

   if (present(number_of_components)) then
      buffer = 'type="'//trim(adjustl(data_type))//'" Name="'//trim(adjustl(data_name))//&
               '" NumberOfComponents="'//trim(str(number_of_components, .true.))//'"'
      buffer = 'type="'//trim(adjustl(data_type))//'" Name="'//trim(adjustl(data_name))//'"'
   call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='PDataArray', attributes=buffer%chars())
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_dataarray

   function write_parallel_geo(self, source, nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2) result(error)
   !< Write parallel (partitioned) VTK-XML geo source file.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self   !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: source !< Source file name containing the piece data.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nx1    !< Initial node of x axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nx2    !< Final node of x axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: ny1    !< Initial node of y axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: ny2    !< Final node of y axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nz1    !< Initial node of z axis.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in), optional :: nz2    !< Final node of z axis.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: error  !< Error status.
   type(string)                                     :: buffer !< Buffer string.

   select case (self%topology%chars())
   case('PRectilinearGrid', 'PStructuredGrid')
      buffer = 'Extent="'// &
               trim(str(n=nx1))//' '//trim(str(n=nx2))//' '// &
               trim(str(n=ny1))//' '//trim(str(n=ny2))//' '// &
               trim(str(n=nz1))//' '//trim(str(n=nz2))//'" Source="'//trim(adjustl(source))//'"'
      buffer = 'Source="'//trim(adjustl(source))//'"'
   call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='Piece', attributes=buffer%chars())
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_geo

   function write_parallel_block_file(self, file_index, filename, name) result(error)
   !< Write single file that belong to the current block.
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self       !< Writer.
   integer(I4P),               intent(in)           :: file_index !< Index of file in the list.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: filename   !< Wrapped file names.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: name       !< Names attributed to wrapped file.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: error      !< Error status.

   if (present(name)) then
      call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataSet',                                      &
                                       attributes='index="'//trim(str(file_index, .true.))//&
                                                 '" file="'//trim(adjustl(filename))//      &
                                                 '" name="'//trim(adjustl(name))//'"')
      call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataSet',                                       &
                                       attributes='index="'//trim(str(file_index, .true.))// &
                                                 '" file="'//trim(adjustl(filename))//'"')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_block_file

   function write_parallel_block_files_array(self, filenames, names) result(error)
   !< Write list of files that belong to the current block (list passed as rank 1 array).
   !<#### Example of usage: 3 files blocks
   !< error = vtm%write_files_list_of_block(filenames=['file_1.vts','file_2.vts','file_3.vtu'])
   !<#### Example of usage: 3 files blocks with custom name
   !< error = vtm%write_files_list_of_block(filenames=['file_1.vts','file_2.vts','file_3.vtu'],&
   !<                                       names=['block-bar','block-foo','block-baz'])
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self         !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: filenames(:) !< List of VTK-XML wrapped file names.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: names(:)     !< List names attributed to wrapped files.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: error        !< Error status.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: f            !< File counter.

   if (present(names)) then
      if (size(names, dim=1)==size(filenames, dim=1)) then
         do f=1, size(filenames, dim=1)
            call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataSet',                                     &
                                             attributes='index="'//trim(str(f-1, .true.))//      &
                                                       '" file="'//trim(adjustl(filenames(f)))// &
                                                       '" name="'//trim(adjustl(names(f)))//'"')
      do f=1,size(filenames, dim=1)
         call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataSet',                                &
                                          attributes='index="'//trim(str(f-1, .true.))// &
                                                    '" file="'//trim(adjustl(filenames(f)))//'"')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_block_files_array

   function write_parallel_block_files_string(self, filenames, names, delimiter) result(error)
   !< Write list of files that belong to the current block (list passed as single string).
   !<#### Example of usage: 3 files blocks
   !< error = vtm%write_files_list_of_block(filenames='file_1.vts file_2.vts file_3.vtu')
   !<#### Example of usage: 3 files blocks with custom name
   !< error = vtm%write_files_list_of_block(filenames='file_1.vts file_2.vts file_3.vtu',&
   !<                                       names='block-bar block-foo block-baz')
   class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout)        :: self          !< Writer.
   character(*),               intent(in)           :: filenames     !< List of VTK-XML wrapped file names.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: names         !< List names attributed to wrapped files.
   character(*),               intent(in), optional :: delimiter     !< Delimiter character.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: error         !< Error status.
   type(string), allocatable                        :: filenames_(:) !< List of VTK-XML wrapped file names.
   type(string), allocatable                        :: names_(:)     !< List names attributed to wrapped files.
   type(string)                                     :: delimiter_    !< Delimiter character.
   type(string)                                     :: buffer        !< A string buffer.
   integer(I4P)                                     :: f             !< File counter.

   delimiter_ = ' ' ; if (present(delimiter)) delimiter_ = delimiter
   buffer = filenames
   call buffer%split(tokens=filenames_, sep=delimiter_%chars())
   if (present(names)) then
      buffer = names
      call buffer%split(tokens=names_, sep=delimiter_%chars())
      if (size(names_, dim=1)==size(filenames_, dim=1)) then
         do f=1, size(filenames_, dim=1)
            call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataSet',                                      &
                                             attributes='index="'//trim(str(f-1, .true.))//       &
                                                       '" file="'//trim(adjustl(filenames_(f)))// &
                                                       '" name="'//trim(adjustl(names_(f)))//'"')
      do f=1,size(filenames_, dim=1)
         call self%write_self_closing_tag(name='DataSet',                               &
                                          attributes='index="'//trim(str(f-1,.true.))// &
                                                    '" file="'//trim(adjustl(filenames_(f)))//'"')
   error = self%error
   endfunction write_parallel_block_files_string
endmodule vtk_fortran_vtk_file_xml_writer_abstract