!< StringiFor, definition of `string` type. module stringifor_string_t !< StringiFor, definition of `string` type. use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : iostat_eor use befor64, only : b64_decode, b64_encode use face, only : colorize use penf, only : I1P, I2P, I4P, I8P, R4P, R8P, R16P, str implicit none private save ! expose StingiFor overloaded builtins and operators ! public :: adjustl, adjustr, count, index, len, len_trim, repeat, scan, trim, verify public :: adjustl, adjustr, count, index, len_trim, repeat, scan, trim, verify ! expose StingiFor objects public :: CK public :: glob public :: strjoin public :: string integer, parameter :: CK = selected_char_kind('DEFAULT') !< Default character kind. type :: string !< OOP designed string class. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: raw !< Raw data. contains ! public methods ! builtins replacements procedure, pass(self) :: adjustl => sadjustl !< Adjustl replacement. procedure, pass(self) :: adjustr => sadjustr !< Adjustr replacement. procedure, pass(self) :: count => scount !< Count replacement. generic :: index => sindex_string_string, & sindex_string_character !< Index replacement. procedure, pass(self) :: len => slen !< Len replacement. procedure, pass(self) :: len_trim => slen_trim !< Len_trim replacement. generic :: repeat => srepeat_string_string, & srepeat_character_string !< Repeat replacement. generic :: scan => sscan_string_string, & sscan_string_character !< Scan replacement. procedure, pass(self) :: trim => strim !< Trim replacement. generic :: verify => sverify_string_string, & sverify_string_character !< Verify replacement. ! auxiliary methods procedure, pass(self) :: basedir !< Return the base directory name of a string containing a file name. procedure, pass(self) :: basename !< Return the base file name of a string containing a file name. procedure, pass(self) :: camelcase !< Return a string with all words capitalized without spaces. procedure, pass(self) :: capitalize !< Return a string with its first character capitalized and the rest lowercased. procedure, pass(self) :: chars !< Return the raw characters data. generic :: colorize => & colorize_str !< Colorize and stylize strings. procedure, pass(self) :: decode !< Decode string. procedure, pass(self) :: encode !< Encode string. procedure, pass(self) :: escape !< Escape backslashes (or custom escape character). procedure, pass(self) :: extension !< Return the extension of a string containing a file name. procedure, pass(self) :: fill !< Pad string on the left (or right) with zeros (or other char) to fill width. procedure, pass(self) :: free !< Free dynamic memory. generic :: glob => & glob_character, & glob_string !< Glob search, finds all the pathnames matching a given pattern. generic :: insert => & insert_string, & insert_character !< Insert substring into string at a specified position. generic :: join => & join_strings, & join_characters !< Return a string that is a join of an array of strings or characters. generic :: strjoin => & strjoin_strings, & strjoin_characters, & strjoin_strings_array, & strjoin_characters_array !< Return a string that is a join of an array of strings or characters; !< Return join 1D string array of an 2D array of strings or characters in columns or rows. procedure, pass(self) :: lower !< Return a string with all lowercase characters. procedure, pass(self) :: partition !< Split string at separator and return the 3 parts (before, the separator and after). procedure, pass(self) :: read_file !< Read a file a single string stream. procedure, pass(self) :: read_line !< Read line (record) from a connected unit. procedure, pass(self) :: read_lines !< Read (all) lines (records) from a connected unit as a single ascii stream. procedure, pass(self) :: replace !< Return a string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. procedure, pass(self) :: reverse !< Return a reversed string. procedure, pass(self) :: search !< Search for *tagged* record into string. procedure, pass(self) :: slice !< Return the raw characters data sliced. procedure, pass(self) :: snakecase !< Return a string with all words lowercase separated by "_". procedure, pass(self) :: split !< Return a list of substring in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. procedure, pass(self) :: split_chunked !< Return a list of substring in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. procedure, pass(self) :: startcase !< Return a string with all words capitalized, e.g. title case. procedure, pass(self) :: strip !< Return a string with the leading and trailing characters removed. procedure, pass(self) :: swapcase !< Return a string with uppercase chars converted to lowercase and vice versa. procedure, pass(self) :: tempname !< Return a safe temporary name suitable for temporary file or directories. generic :: to_number => & to_integer_I1P,& #ifndef _NVF to_integer_I2P,& #endif to_integer_I4P,& to_integer_I8P,& #if defined _R16P to_real_R16P, & #endif to_real_R8P, & to_real_R4P !< Cast string to number. procedure, pass(self) :: unescape !< Unescape double backslashes (or custom escaped character). procedure, pass(self) :: unique !< Reduce to one (unique) multiple occurrences of a substring into a string. procedure, pass(self) :: upper !< Return a string with all uppercase characters. procedure, pass(self) :: write_file !< Write a single string stream into file. procedure, pass(self) :: write_line !< Write line (record) to a connected unit. procedure, pass(self) :: write_lines !< Write lines (records) to a connected unit. ! inquire methods procedure, pass(self) :: end_with !< Return true if a string ends with a specified suffix. procedure, pass(self) :: is_allocated !< Return true if the string is allocated. procedure, pass(self) :: is_digit !< Return true if all characters in the string are digits. procedure, pass(self) :: is_integer !< Return true if the string contains an integer. procedure, pass(self) :: is_lower !< Return true if all characters in the string are lowercase. procedure, pass(self) :: is_number !< Return true if the string contains a number (real or integer). procedure, pass(self) :: is_real !< Return true if the string contains an real. procedure, pass(self) :: is_upper !< Return true if all characters in the string are uppercase. procedure, pass(self) :: start_with !< Return true if a string starts with a specified prefix. ! operators generic :: assignment(=) => string_assign_string, & string_assign_character, & string_assign_integer_I1P, & string_assign_integer_I2P, & string_assign_integer_I4P, & string_assign_integer_I8P, & #if defined _R16P string_assign_real_R16P, & #endif string_assign_real_R8P, & string_assign_real_R4P !< Assignment operator overloading. generic :: operator(//) => string_concat_string, & string_concat_character, & character_concat_string !< Concatenation operator overloading. generic :: operator(.cat.) => string_concat_string_string, & string_concat_character_string, & character_concat_string_string !< Concatenation operator (string output) overloading. generic :: operator(==) => string_eq_string, & string_eq_character, & character_eq_string !< Equal operator overloading. generic :: operator(/=) => string_ne_string, & string_ne_character, & character_ne_string !< Not equal operator overloading. generic :: operator(<) => string_lt_string, & string_lt_character, & character_lt_string !< Lower than operator overloading. generic :: operator(<=) => string_le_string, & string_le_character, & character_le_string !< Lower equal than operator overloading. generic :: operator(>=) => string_ge_string, & string_ge_character, & character_ge_string !< Greater equal than operator overloading. generic :: operator(>) => string_gt_string, & string_gt_character, & character_gt_string !< Greater than operator overloading. ! IO generic :: read(formatted) => read_formatted !< Formatted input. generic :: write(formatted) => write_formatted !< Formatted output. generic :: read(unformatted) => read_unformatted !< Unformatted input. generic :: write(unformatted) => write_unformatted !< Unformatted output. ! private methods ! builtins replacements procedure, private, pass(self) :: sindex_string_string !< Index replacement. procedure, private, pass(self) :: sindex_string_character !< Index replacement. procedure, private, pass(self) :: srepeat_string_string !< Repeat replacement. procedure, private, nopass :: srepeat_character_string !< Repeat replacement. procedure, private, pass(self) :: sscan_string_string !< Scan replacement. procedure, private, pass(self) :: sscan_string_character !< Scan replacement. procedure, private, pass(self) :: sverify_string_string !< Verify replacement. procedure, private, pass(self) :: sverify_string_character !< Verify replacement. ! auxiliary methods procedure, private, pass(self) :: colorize_str !< Colorize and stylize strings. procedure, private, pass(self) :: glob_character !< Glob search (character output). procedure, private, pass(self) :: glob_string !< Glob search (string output). procedure, private, pass(self) :: insert_string !< Insert substring into string at a specified position. procedure, private, pass(self) :: insert_character !< Insert substring into string at a specified position. procedure, private, pass(self) :: join_strings !< Return join string of an array of strings. procedure, private, pass(self) :: join_characters !< Return join string of an array of characters. procedure, private, nopass :: strjoin_strings !< Return join string of an array of strings. procedure, private, nopass :: strjoin_characters !< Return join string of an array of strings. procedure, private, nopass :: strjoin_strings_array !< Return join 1D string array of an 2D array of strings in columns or rows. procedure, private, nopass :: strjoin_characters_array !< Return join 1D string array of an 2D array of characters in columns or rows. procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_integer_I1P !< Cast string to integer. #ifndef _NVF procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_integer_I2P !< Cast string to integer. #endif procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_integer_I4P !< Cast string to integer. procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_integer_I8P !< Cast string to integer. procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_real_R4P !< Cast string to real. procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_real_R8P !< Cast string to real. procedure, private, pass(self) :: to_real_R16P !< Cast string to real. ! assignments procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_string !< Assignment operator from string input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_character !< Assignment operator from character input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_integer_I1P !< Assignment operator from integer input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_integer_I2P !< Assignment operator from integer input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_integer_I4P !< Assignment operator from integer input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_integer_I8P !< Assignment operator from integer input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_real_R4P !< Assignment operator from real input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_real_R8P !< Assignment operator from real input. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_assign_real_R16P !< Assignment operator from real input. ! concatenation operators procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_concat_string !< Concatenation with string. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_concat_character !< Concatenation with character. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_concat_string !< Concatenation with character (inverted). procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_concat_string_string !< Concatenation with string (string output). procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_concat_character_string !< Concatenation with character (string output). procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_concat_string_string !< Concatenation with character (inverted, string output). ! logical operators procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_eq_string !< Equal to string logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_eq_character !< Equal to character logical operator. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_eq_string !< Equal to character (inverted) logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_ne_string !< Not equal to string logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_ne_character !< Not equal to character logical operator. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_ne_string !< Not equal to character (inverted) logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_lt_string !< Lower than to string logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_lt_character !< Lower than to character logical operator. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_lt_string !< Lower than to character (inverted) logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_le_string !< Lower equal than to string logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_le_character !< Lower equal than to character logical operator. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_le_string !< Lower equal than to character (inverted) logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_ge_string !< Greater equal than to string logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_ge_character !< Greater equal than to character logical operator. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_ge_string !< Greater equal than to character (inverted) logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_gt_string !< Greater than to string logical operator. procedure, private, pass(lhs) :: string_gt_character !< Greater than to character logical operator. procedure, private, pass(rhs) :: character_gt_string !< Greater than to character (inverted) logical operator. ! IO procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: read_formatted !< Formatted input. procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: read_delimited !< Read a delimited input. procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: read_undelimited !< Read an undelimited input. procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: read_undelimited_listdirected !< Read an undelimited list directed input. procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: write_formatted !< Formatted output. procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: read_unformatted !< Unformatted input. procedure, private, pass(dtv) :: write_unformatted !< Unformatted output. ! miscellanea procedure, private, pass(self) :: replace_one_occurrence !< Replace the first occurrence of substring old by new. endtype string ! internal parameters character(kind=CK, len=26), parameter :: UPPER_ALPHABET = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' !< Upper case alphabet. character(kind=CK, len=26), parameter :: LOWER_ALPHABET = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' !< Lower case alphabet. character(kind=CK, len=1), parameter :: SPACE = ' ' !< Space character. character(kind=CK, len=1), parameter :: TAB = achar(9) !< Tab character. character(kind=CK, len=1), parameter :: UIX_DIR_SEP = char(47) !< Unix/Linux directories separator (/). character(kind=CK, len=1), parameter :: BACKSLASH = char(92) !< Backslash character. interface glob !< Overloading glob procedure. !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: alist_chr(:) !< type(string), allocatable :: alist_str(:) !< integer, parameter :: Nf=5 !< character(14) :: files(1:Nf) !< integer :: file_unit !< integer :: f !< integer :: ff !< logical :: test_passed !< do f=1, Nf !< files(f) = astring%tempname(prefix='foo-') !< open(newunit=file_unit, file=files(f)) !< write(file_unit, *)f !< close(unit=file_unit) !< enddo !< call glob(self=astring, pattern='foo-*', list=alist_chr) !< call glob(self=astring, pattern='foo-*', list=alist_str) !< do f=1, Nf !< open(newunit=file_unit, file=files(f)) !< close(unit=file_unit, status='delete') !< enddo !< test_passed = .false. !< outer_chr: do f=1, size(alist_chr, dim=1) !< do ff=1, Nf !< test_passed = alist_chr(f) == files(ff) !< if (test_passed) cycle outer_chr !< enddo !< enddo outer_chr !< if (test_passed) then !< test_passed = .false. !< outer_str: do f=1, size(alist_str, dim=1) !< do ff=1, Nf !< test_passed = alist_str(f) == files(ff) !< if (test_passed) cycle outer_str !< enddo !< enddo outer_str !< endif !< print '(L1)', test_passed !<``` !=> T <<< module procedure glob_character, glob_string endinterface glob interface strjoin module procedure strjoin_strings, strjoin_characters, strjoin_strings_array, strjoin_characters_array endinterface strjoin ! builtin overloading interface adjustl !< Builtin adjustl overloading. module procedure sadjustl_character endinterface adjustl interface adjustr !< Builtin adjustr overloading. module procedure sadjustr_character endinterface adjustr interface count !< Builtin count overloading. module procedure count_substring endinterface interface index !< Builtin index overloading. module procedure sindex_string_string, sindex_string_character, sindex_character_string endinterface index !interface len ! !< Builtin len overloading. ! module procedure slen !endinterface len interface len_trim !< Builtin len_trim overloading. module procedure slen_trim endinterface len_trim interface repeat !< Builtin repeat overloading. module procedure srepeat_string_string endinterface repeat interface scan !< Builtin scan overloading. module procedure sscan_string_string, sscan_string_character, sscan_character_string endinterface scan interface trim !< Builtin trim overloading. module procedure strim endinterface trim interface verify !< Builtin verify overloading. module procedure sverify_string_string, sverify_string_character, sverify_character_string endinterface verify contains ! public non TBP ! creator pure function string_(c) !< Return a string given a character input. !< !<```fortran !< print "(L1)", string('Hello World')//''=='Hello World' !<``` !=> T <<< character(*), intent(in) :: c !< Character. type(string) :: string_ !< String. string_%raw = c endfunction string_ ! builtins replacements pure function sadjustl_character(s) result(adjusted) !< Left adjust a string by removing leading spaces (character output). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = ' Hello World!' !< print "(L1)", adjustl(astring)=='Hello World! ' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: s !< String. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: adjusted !< Adjusted string. if (allocated(s%raw)) adjusted = adjustl(s%raw) endfunction sadjustl_character pure function sadjustr_character(s) result(adjusted) !< Right adjust a string by removing leading spaces (character output). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'Hello World! ' !< print "(L1)", adjustr(astring)==' Hello World!' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: s !< String. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: adjusted !< Adjusted string. if (allocated(s%raw)) adjusted = adjustr(s%raw) endfunction sadjustr_character elemental function count_substring(s, substring) result(No) !< Count the number of occurences of a substring into a string. !< !<```fortran !< print "(L1)", count('hello', substring='ll')==1 !<``` !=> T <<< character(*), intent(in) :: s !< String. character(*), intent(in) :: substring !< Substring. integer(I4P) :: No !< Number of occurrences. integer(I4P) :: c1 !< Counters. integer(I4P) :: c2 !< Counters. No = 0 if (len(substring) > len(s)) return c1 = 1 do c2 = index(string=s(c1:), substring=substring) if (c2==0) return No = No + 1 c1 = c1 + c2 + len(substring) enddo endfunction count_substring elemental function sindex_character_string(s, substring, back) result(i) !< Return the position of the start of the first occurrence of string `substring` as a substring in `string`, counting from one. !< If `substring` is not present in `string`, zero is returned. If the back argument is present and true, the return value is !< the start of the last occurrence rather than the first. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'llo' !< test_passed(1) = index(s='Hello World Hello!', substring=string1)==index(string='Hello World Hello!', substring='llo') !< test_passed(2) = index(s='Hello World Hello!', substring=string1, back=.true.)==index(string='Hello World Hello!', & !< substring='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: s !< String. type(string), intent(in) :: substring !< Searched substring. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(substring%raw)) then i = index(string=s, substring=substring%raw, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sindex_character_string elemental function sscan_character_string(s, set, back) result(i) !< Return the leftmost (if `back` is either absent or equals false, otherwise the rightmost) character of string that is in `set`. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'llo' !< test_passed(1) = scan(s='Hello World Hello!', set=string1)==scan(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo') !< test_passed(2) = scan(s='Hello World Hello!', set=string1, back=.true.)==scan(string='Hello World Hello!', & !< set='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: s !< String. type(string), intent(in) :: set !< Searched set. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(set%raw)) then i = scan(string=s, set=set%raw, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sscan_character_string elemental function sverify_character_string(s, set, back) result(i) !< Return the leftmost (if `back` is either absent or equals false, otherwise the rightmost) character of string that is not !< in `set`. If all characters of `string` are found in `set`, the result is zero. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'ell' !< test_passed(1) = verify(s='Hello World Hello!', set=string1)==verify(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo') !< test_passed(2) = verify(s='Hello World Hello!', set=string1, back=.true.)==verify(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo', & !< back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: s !< String. type(string), intent(in) :: set !< Searched set. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(set%raw)) then i = verify(string=s, set=set%raw, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sverify_character_string ! public methods ! builtins replacements elemental function sadjustl(self) result(adjusted) !< Left adjust a string by removing leading spaces. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = ' Hello World!' !< print "(L1)", astring%adjustl()//''=='Hello World! ' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: adjusted !< Adjusted string. adjusted = self if (allocated(adjusted%raw)) adjusted%raw = adjustl(adjusted%raw) endfunction sadjustl elemental function sadjustr(self) result(adjusted) !< Right adjust a string by removing leading spaces. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'Hello World! ' !< print "(L1)", astring%adjustr()//''==' Hello World!' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: adjusted !< Adjusted string. adjusted = self if (allocated(adjusted%raw)) adjusted%raw = adjustr(adjusted%raw) endfunction sadjustr elemental function scount(self, substring, ignore_isolated) result(No) !< Count the number of occurences of a substring into a string. !< !< @note If `ignore_isolated` is set to true the eventual "isolated" occurences are ignored: an isolated occurrences are those !< occurrences happening at the start of string (thus not having a left companion) or at the end of the string (thus not having a !< right companion). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(4) !< astring = ' Hello World ! ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%count(substring=' ')==10 !< astring = 'Hello World ! ' !< test_passed(2) = astring%count(substring=' ', ignore_isolated=.true.)==6 !< astring = ' Hello World !' !< test_passed(3) = astring%count(substring=' ', ignore_isolated=.true.)==6 !< astring = ' Hello World ! ' !< test_passed(4) = astring%count(substring=' ', ignore_isolated=.true.)==8 !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(*), intent(in) :: substring !< Substring. logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_isolated !< Ignore "isolated" occurrences. integer :: No !< Number of occurrences. logical :: ignore_isolated_ !< Ignore "isolated" occurrences, local variable. integer :: c1 !< Counter. integer :: c2 !< Counter. No = 0 if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (len(substring)>len(self%raw)) return ignore_isolated_ = .false. ; if (present(ignore_isolated)) ignore_isolated_ = ignore_isolated c1 = 1 do c2 = index(string=self%raw(c1:), substring=substring) if (c2==0) return if (.not.ignore_isolated_) then No = No + 1 else if (.not.((c1==1.and.c2==1) .or. (c1==len(self%raw)-len(substring)+1))) then No = No + 1 endif endif c1 = c1 + c2 - 1 + len(substring) enddo endif endfunction scount elemental function sindex_string_string(self, substring, back) result(i) !< Return the position of the start of the first occurrence of string `substring` as a substring in `string`, counting from one. !< If `substring` is not present in `string`, zero is returned. If the back argument is present and true, the return value is !< the start of the last occurrence rather than the first. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< type(string) :: string2 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'Hello World Hello!' !< string2 = 'llo' !< test_passed(1) = string1%index(substring=string2)==index(string='Hello World Hello!', substring='llo') !< test_passed(2) = string1%index(substring=string2, back=.true.)==index(string='Hello World Hello!', substring='llo', & !< back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), intent(in) :: substring !< Searched substring. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(self%raw)) then i = index(string=self%raw, substring=substring%raw, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sindex_string_string elemental function sindex_string_character(self, substring, back) result(i) !< Return the position of the start of the first occurrence of string `substring` as a substring in `string`, counting from one. !< If `substring` is not present in `string`, zero is returned. If the back argument is present and true, the return value is !< the start of the last occurrence rather than the first. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'Hello World Hello!' !< test_passed(1) = string1%index(substring='llo')==index(string='Hello World Hello!', substring='llo') !< test_passed(2) = string1%index(substring='llo', back=.true.)==index(string='Hello World Hello!', substring='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: substring !< Searched substring. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(self%raw)) then i = index(string=self%raw, substring=substring, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sindex_string_character elemental function slen(self) result(l) !< Return the length of a string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'Hello World! ' !< print "(L1)", astring%len()==len('Hello World! ') !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer :: l !< String length. if (allocated(self%raw)) then l = len(string=self%raw) else l = 0 endif endfunction slen elemental function slen_trim(self) result(l) !< Return the length of a string, ignoring any trailing blanks. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'Hello World! ' !< print "(L1)", astring%len_trim()==len_trim('Hello World! ') !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer :: l !< String length. if (allocated(self%raw)) then l = len_trim(string=self%raw) else l = 0 endif endfunction slen_trim elemental function srepeat_string_string(self, ncopies) result(repeated) !< Concatenates several copies of an input string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'x' !< print "(L1)", astring%repeat(5)//''=='xxxxx' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< String to be repeated. integer, intent(in) :: ncopies !< Number of string copies. type(string) :: repeated !< Repeated string. #ifdef _NVF character(9999) :: nvf_bug !< Work around for NVFortran bug. #endif #ifdef _NVF nvf_bug = self%raw repeated%raw = repeat(string=trim(nvf_bug), ncopies=ncopies) #else repeated%raw = repeat(string=self%raw, ncopies=ncopies) #endif endfunction srepeat_string_string elemental function srepeat_character_string(rstring, ncopies) result(repeated) !< Concatenates several copies of an input string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'y' !< print "(L1)", astring%repeat('x', 5)//''=='xxxxx' !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rstring !< String to be repeated. integer, intent(in) :: ncopies !< Number of string copies. type(string) :: repeated !< Repeated string. repeated%raw = repeat(string=rstring, ncopies=ncopies) endfunction srepeat_character_string elemental function sscan_string_string(self, set, back) result(i) !< Return the leftmost (if `back` is either absent or equals false, otherwise the rightmost) character of string that is in `set`. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< type(string) :: string2 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'Hello World Hello!' !< string2 = 'llo' !< test_passed(1) = string1%scan(set=string2)==scan(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo') !< test_passed(2) = string1%scan(set=string2, back=.true.)==scan(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), intent(in) :: set !< Searched set. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(self%raw).and.allocated(set%raw)) then i = scan(string=self%raw, set=set%raw, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sscan_string_string elemental function sscan_string_character(self, set, back) result(i) !< Return the leftmost (if `back` is either absent or equals false, otherwise the rightmost) character of string that is in `set`. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'Hello World Hello!' !< test_passed(1) = string1%scan(set='llo')==scan(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo') !< test_passed(2) = string1%scan(set='llo', back=.true.)==scan(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: set !< Searched set. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(self%raw)) then i = scan(string=self%raw, set=set, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sscan_string_character elemental function strim(self) result(trimmed) !< Remove trailing spaces. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'Hello World! ' !< print "(L1)", astring%trim()==trim('Hello World! ') !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: trimmed !< Trimmed string. trimmed = self if (allocated(trimmed%raw)) trimmed%raw = trim(trimmed%raw) endfunction strim elemental function sverify_string_string(self, set, back) result(i) !< Return the leftmost (if `back` is either absent or equals false, otherwise the rightmost) character of string that is not !< in `set`. If all characters of `string` are found in `set`, the result is zero. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< type(string) :: string2 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'Hello World Hello!' !< string2 = 'llo' !< test_passed(1) = string1%verify(set=string2)==verify(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo') !< test_passed(2) = string1%verify(set=string2, back=.true.)==verify(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), intent(in) :: set !< Searched set. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(self%raw).and.allocated(set%raw)) then i = verify(string=self%raw, set=set%raw, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sverify_string_string elemental function sverify_string_character(self, set, back) result(i) !< Return the leftmost (if `back` is either absent or equals false, otherwise the rightmost) character of string that is not !< in `set`. If all characters of `string` are found in `set`, the result is zero. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< string1 = 'Hello World Hello!' !< test_passed(1) = string1%verify(set='llo')==verify(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo') !< test_passed(2) = string1%verify(set='llo', back=.true.)==verify(string='Hello World Hello!', set='llo', back=.true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: set !< Searched set. logical, intent(in), optional :: back !< Start of the last occurrence rather than the first. integer :: i !< Result of the search. if (allocated(self%raw)) then i = verify(string=self%raw, set=set, back=back) else i = 0 endif endfunction sverify_string_character ! auxiliary methods elemental function basedir(self, sep) !< Return the base directory name of a string containing a file name. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: string1 !< logical :: test_passed(4) !< string1 = '/bar/foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(1) = string1%basedir()//''=='/bar' !< string1 = './bar/foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(2) = string1%basedir()//''=='./bar' !< string1 = 'bar/foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(3) = string1%basedir()//''=='bar' !< string1 = '\bar\foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(4) = string1%basedir(sep='\')//''=='\bar' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Directory separator. type(string) :: basedir !< Base directory name. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: pos !< Character position. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = UIX_DIR_SEP ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep basedir = self pos = index(self%raw, sep_, back=.true.) if (pos>0) basedir%raw = self%raw(1:pos-1) endif endfunction basedir elemental function basename(self, sep, extension, strip_last_extension) !< Return the base file name of a string containing a file name. !< !< Optionally, the extension is also stripped if provided or the last one if required, e.g. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< astring = 'bar/foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(1) = astring%basename()//''=='foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(2) = astring%basename(extension='.tar.bz2')//''=='foo' !< test_passed(3) = astring%basename(strip_last_extension=.true.)//''=='foo.tar' !< astring = '\bar\foo.tar.bz2' !< test_passed(4) = astring%basename(sep='\')//''=='foo.tar.bz2' !< astring = 'bar' !< test_passed(5) = astring%basename(strip_last_extension=.true.)//''=='bar' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Directory separator. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: extension !< File extension. logical, intent(in), optional :: strip_last_extension !< Flag to enable the stripping of last extension. type(string) :: basename !< Base file name. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: pos !< Character position. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = UIX_DIR_SEP ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep basename = self pos = index(basename%raw, sep_, back=.true.) if (pos>0) basename%raw = self%raw(pos+1:) if (present(extension)) then pos = index(basename%raw, extension, back=.true.) if (pos>0) basename%raw = basename%raw(1:pos-1) elseif (present(strip_last_extension)) then if (strip_last_extension) then pos = index(basename%raw, '.', back=.true.) if (pos>0) basename%raw = basename%raw(1:pos-1) endif endif endif endfunction basename elemental function camelcase(self, sep) !< Return a string with all words capitalized without spaces. !< !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurence. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'caMeL caSe var' !< print '(L1)', astring%camelcase()//''=='CamelCaseVar' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: camelcase !< Camel case string. type(string), allocatable :: tokens(:) !< String tokens. if (allocated(self%raw)) then call self%split(tokens=tokens, sep=sep) tokens = tokens%capitalize() camelcase = camelcase%join(array=tokens) endif endfunction camelcase elemental function capitalize(self) result(capitalized) !< Return a string with its first character capitalized and the rest lowercased. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'say all Hello WorLD!' !< print '(L1)', astring%capitalize()//''=='Say all hello world!' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: capitalized !< Upper case string. integer :: c !< Character counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then capitalized = self%lower() c = index(LOWER_ALPHABET, capitalized%raw(1:1)) if (c>0) capitalized%raw(1:1) = UPPER_ALPHABET(c:c) endif endfunction capitalize pure function chars(self) result(raw) !< Return the raw characters data. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'say all Hello WorLD!' !< print '(L1)', astring%chars()=='say all Hello WorLD!' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: raw !< Raw characters data. if (allocated(self%raw)) then raw = self%raw else raw = '' endif endfunction chars pure function colorize_str(self, color_fg, color_bg, style) result(colorized) !< Colorize and stylize strings, DEFAULT kind. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'say all Hello WorLD!' !< print '(L1)', astring%colorize(color_fg='red')=='[31msay all Hello WorLD![0m' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: color_fg !< Foreground color definition. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: color_bg !< Background color definition. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style !< Style definition. character(len=:), allocatable :: colorized !< Colorized string. colorized = colorize(string=self%chars(), color_fg=color_fg, color_bg=color_bg, style=style) endfunction colorize_str elemental function decode(self, codec) result(decoded) !< Return a string decoded accordingly the codec. !< !< @note Only BASE64 codec is currently available. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/' !< print '(L1)', astring%decode(codec='base64')//''=='How are you?' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: codec !< Encoding codec. type(string) :: decoded !< Decoded string. type(string) :: codec_u !< Encoding codec in upper case string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then decoded = self codec_u = codec select case(codec_u%upper()//'') case('BASE64') call b64_decode(code=self%raw, s=decoded%raw) endselect decoded = decoded%strip(remove_nulls=.true.) endif endfunction decode elemental function encode(self, codec) result(encoded) !< Return a string encoded accordingly the codec. !< !< @note Only BASE64 codec is currently available. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'How are you?' !< print '(L1)', astring%encode(codec='base64')//''=='SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: codec !< Encoding codec. type(string) :: encoded !< Encoded string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then encoded = codec select case(encoded%upper()//'') case('BASE64') call b64_encode(s=self%raw, code=encoded%raw) endselect endif endfunction encode elemental function escape(self, to_escape, esc) result(escaped) !< Escape backslashes (or custom escape character). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = '^\s \d+\s*' !< test_passed(1) = astring%escape(to_escape='\')//''=='^\\s \\d+\\s*' !< test_passed(2) = astring%escape(to_escape='\', esc='|')//''=='^|\s |\d+|\s*' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=1), intent(in) :: to_escape !< Character to be escaped. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: esc !< Character used to escape. type(string) :: escaped !< Escaped string. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: esc_ !< Character to escape, local variable. integer :: c !< Character counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then esc_ = BACKSLASH ; if (present(esc)) esc_ = esc escaped%raw = '' do c=1, len(self%raw) if (self%raw(c:c)==to_escape) then escaped%raw = escaped%raw//esc_//to_escape else escaped%raw = escaped%raw//self%raw(c:c) endif enddo endif endfunction escape elemental function extension(self) !< Return the extension of a string containing a file name. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = '/bar/foo.tar.bz2' !< print '(L1)', astring%extension()//''=='.bz2' !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: extension !< Extension file name. integer :: pos !< Character position. if (allocated(self%raw)) then extension = '' pos = index(self%raw, '.', back=.true.) if (pos>0) extension%raw = self%raw(pos:) endif endfunction extension elemental function fill(self, width, right, filling_char) result(filled) !< Pad string on the left (or right) with zeros (or other char) to fill width. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(4) !< astring = 'this is string example....wow!!!' !< test_passed(1) = astring%fill(width=40)//''=='00000000this is string example....wow!!!' !< test_passed(2) = astring%fill(width=50)//''=='000000000000000000this is string example....wow!!!' !< test_passed(3) = astring%fill(width=50, right=.true.)//''=='this is string example....wow!!!000000000000000000' !< test_passed(4) = astring%fill(width=40, filling_char='*')//''=='********this is string example....wow!!!' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: width !< Final width of filled string. logical, intent(in), optional :: right !< Fill on the right instead of left. character(kind=CK, len=1), intent(in), optional :: filling_char !< Filling character (default "0"). type(string) :: filled !< Filled string. logical :: right_ !< Fill on the right instead of left, local variable. character(kind=CK, len=1) :: filling_char_ !< Filling character (default "0"), local variable. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (width>len(self%raw)) then right_ = .false. ; if (present(right)) right_ = right filling_char_ = '0' ; if (present(filling_char)) filling_char_ = filling_char if (.not.right_) then filled%raw = repeat(filling_char_, width-len(self%raw))//self%raw else filled%raw = self%raw//repeat(filling_char_, width-len(self%raw)) endif endif endif endfunction fill elemental subroutine free(self) !< Free dynamic memory. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'this is string example....wow!!!' !< call astring%free !< print '(L1)', astring%is_allocated().eqv..false. !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: self !< The string. if (allocated(self%raw)) deallocate(self%raw) endsubroutine free subroutine glob_character(self, pattern, list) !< Glob search (character output), finds all the pathnames matching a given pattern according to the rules used by the Unix shell. !< !< @note Method not portable: works only on Unix/GNU Linux OS. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: alist_chr(:) !< integer, parameter :: Nf=5 !< character(14) :: files(1:Nf) !< integer :: file_unit !< integer :: f !< integer :: ff !< logical :: test_passed !< do f=1, Nf !< files(f) = astring%tempname(prefix='foo-') !< open(newunit=file_unit, file=files(f)) !< write(file_unit, *)f !< close(unit=file_unit) !< enddo !< call astring%glob(pattern='foo-*', list=alist_chr) !< do f=1, Nf !< open(newunit=file_unit, file=files(f)) !< close(unit=file_unit, status='delete') !< enddo !< test_passed = .false. !< outer_chr: do f=1, size(alist_chr, dim=1) !< do ff=1, Nf !< test_passed = alist_chr(f) == files(ff) !< if (test_passed) cycle outer_chr !< enddo !< enddo outer_chr !< print '(L1)', test_passed !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(*), intent(in) :: pattern !< Given pattern. character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: list(:) !< List of matching pathnames. type(string), allocatable :: list_(:) !< List of matching pathnames. integer(I4P) :: max_len !< Maximum length. integer(I4P) :: matches_number !< Matches number. integer(I4P) :: m !< Counter. call self%glob(pattern=pattern, list=list_) if (allocated(list_)) then matches_number = size(list_, dim=1) max_len = 0 do m=1, matches_number max_len = max(max_len, list_(m)%len()) enddo allocate(character(max_len) :: list(1:matches_number)) do m=1, matches_number list(m) = list_(m)%chars() enddo endif endsubroutine glob_character subroutine glob_string(self, pattern, list) !< Glob search (string output), finds all the pathnames matching a given pattern according to the rules used by the Unix shell. !< !< @note Method not portable: works only on Unix/GNU Linux OS. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string), allocatable :: alist_str(:) !< integer, parameter :: Nf=5 !< character(14) :: files(1:Nf) !< integer :: file_unit !< integer :: f !< integer :: ff !< logical :: test_passed !< !< do f=1, Nf !< files(f) = astring%tempname(prefix='foo-') !< open(newunit=file_unit, file=files(f)) !< write(file_unit, *)f !< close(unit=file_unit) !< enddo !< call astring%glob(pattern='foo-*', list=alist_str) !< do f=1, Nf !< open(newunit=file_unit, file=files(f)) !< close(unit=file_unit, status='delete') !< enddo !< test_passed = .false. !< outer_str: do f=1, size(alist_str, dim=1) !< do ff=1, Nf !< test_passed = alist_str(f) == files(ff) !< if (test_passed) cycle outer_str !< enddo !< enddo outer_str !< print '(L1)', test_passed !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(*), intent(in) :: pattern !< Given pattern. type(string), allocatable, intent(out) :: list(:) !< List of matching pathnames. type(string) :: tempfile !< Safe temporary file. character(len=:), allocatable :: tempname !< Safe temporary name. integer(I4P) :: tempunit !< Unit of temporary file. tempname = self%tempname() call execute_command_line('ls -1 '//trim(adjustl(pattern))//' > '//tempname) call tempfile%read_file(file=tempname) call tempfile%split(sep=new_line('a'), tokens=list) open(newunit=tempunit, file=tempname) close(unit=tempunit, status='delete') endsubroutine glob_string elemental function insert_character(self, substring, pos) result(inserted) !< Insert substring into string at a specified position. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< astring = 'this is string example wow!!!' !< acharacter = '... ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%insert(substring=acharacter, pos=1)//''=='... this is string example wow!!!' !< test_passed(2) = astring%insert(substring=acharacter, pos=23)//''=='this is string example... wow!!!' !< test_passed(3) = astring%insert(substring=acharacter, pos=29)//''=='this is string example wow!!!... ' !< test_passed(4) = astring%insert(substring=acharacter, pos=-1)//''=='... this is string example wow!!!' !< test_passed(5) = astring%insert(substring=acharacter, pos=100)//''=='this is string example wow!!!... ' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(len=*), intent(in) :: substring !< Substring. integer, intent(in) :: pos !< Position from which insert substring. type(string) :: inserted !< Inserted string. integer :: safepos !< Safe position from which insert substring. if (allocated(self%raw)) then inserted = self safepos = min(max(1, pos), len(self%raw)) if (safepos==1) then inserted%raw = substring//self%raw elseif (safepos==len(self%raw)) then inserted%raw = self%raw//substring else inserted%raw = self%raw(1:safepos-1)//substring//self%raw(safepos:) endif else inserted%raw = substring endif endfunction insert_character elemental function insert_string(self, substring, pos) result(inserted) !< Insert substring into string at a specified position. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< astring = 'this is string example wow!!!' !< anotherstring = '... ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%insert(substring=anotherstring, pos=1)//''=='... this is string example wow!!!' !< test_passed(2) = astring%insert(substring=anotherstring, pos=23)//''=='this is string example... wow!!!' !< test_passed(3) = astring%insert(substring=anotherstring, pos=29)//''=='this is string example wow!!!... ' !< test_passed(4) = astring%insert(substring=anotherstring, pos=-1)//''=='... this is string example wow!!!' !< test_passed(5) = astring%insert(substring=anotherstring, pos=100)//''=='this is string example wow!!!... ' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), intent(in) :: substring !< Substring. integer, intent(in) :: pos !< Position from which insert substring. type(string) :: inserted !< Inserted string. integer :: safepos !< Safe position from which insert substring. if (allocated(self%raw)) then inserted = self if (allocated(substring%raw)) then safepos = min(max(1, pos), len(self%raw)) if (safepos==1) then inserted%raw = substring%raw//self%raw elseif (safepos==len(self%raw)) then inserted%raw = self%raw//substring%raw else inserted%raw = self%raw(1:safepos-1)//substring%raw//self%raw(safepos:) endif endif else if (allocated(substring%raw)) inserted%raw = substring%raw endif endfunction insert_string pure function join_strings(self, array, sep) result(join) !< Return a string that is a join of an array of strings. !< !< The join-separator is set equals to self if self has a value or it is set to a null string ''. This value can be overridden !< passing a custom separator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: strings(3) !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< strings(1) = 'one' !< strings(2) = 'two' !< strings(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = (astring%join(array=strings)//''==strings(1)//strings(2)//strings(3)) !< test_passed(2) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(2)//'-'//strings(3)) !< call strings(1)%free !< strings(2) = 'two' !< strings(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(3) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(2)//'-'//strings(3)) !< strings(1) = 'one' !< strings(2) = 'two' !< call strings(3)%free !< test_passed(4) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(2)) !< strings(1) = 'one' !< call strings(2)%free !< strings(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(5) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(3)) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), intent(in) :: array(1:) !< Array to be joined. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: join !< The join of array. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: a !< Counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = self%raw else sep_ = '' endif if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep join = '' do a=2, size(array, dim=1) if (allocated(array(a)%raw)) join%raw = join%raw//sep_//array(a)%raw enddo if (allocated(array(1)%raw)) then join%raw = array(1)%raw//join%raw else join%raw = join%raw(len(sep_)+1:len(join%raw)) endif endfunction join_strings pure function join_characters(self, array, sep) result(join) !< Return a string that is a join of an array of characters. !< !< The join-separator is set equals to self if self has a value or it is set to a null string ''. This value can be overridden !< passing a custom separator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(5) :: characters(3) !< logical :: test_passed(6) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = (astring%join(array=characters)//''==characters(1)//characters(2)//characters(3)) !< test_passed(2) = (astring%join(array=characters, sep='-')//''==characters(1)//'-'//characters(2)//'-'//characters(3)) !< characters(1) = '' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(3) = (astring%join(array=characters, sep='-')//''==characters(2)//'-'//characters(3)) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = '' !< test_passed(4) = (astring%join(array=characters, sep='-')//''==characters(1)//'-'//characters(2)) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = '' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(5) = (astring%join(array=characters, sep='-')//''==characters(1)//'-'//characters(3)) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< astring = '_' !< test_passed(6) = (astring%join(array=characters)//''==characters(1)//'_'//characters(2)//'_'//characters(3)) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: array(1:) !< Array to be joined. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: join !< The join of array. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: a !< Counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = self%raw else sep_ = '' endif if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep join = '' do a=2, size(array, dim=1) if (array(a)/='') join%raw = join%raw//sep_//array(a) enddo if (array(1)/='') then join%raw = array(1)//join%raw else join%raw = join%raw(len(sep_)+1:len(join%raw)) endif endfunction join_characters pure function strjoin_strings(array, sep) result(join) !< Return a string that is a join of an array of strings. !< !< The join-separator is set equals to a null string '' if custom separator isn't specified. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: strings(3) !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< strings(1) = 'one' !< strings(2) = 'two' !< strings(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = (strjoin(array=strings)//''==strings(1)//strings(2)//strings(3)) !< test_passed(2) = (strjoin(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(2)//'-'//strings(3)) !< call strings(1)%free !< strings(2) = 'two' !< strings(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(3) = (strjoin(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(2)//'-'//strings(3)) !< strings(1) = 'one' !< strings(2) = 'two' !< call strings(3)%free !< test_passed(4) = (strjoin(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(2)) !< strings(1) = 'one' !< call strings(2)%free !< strings(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(5) = (strjoin(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(3)) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: array(1:) !< Array to be joined. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: join !< The join of array. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: a !< Counter. sep_ = '' if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep join = '' do a=2, size(array, dim=1) if (allocated(array(a)%raw))join%raw = join%raw//sep_//array(a)%raw enddo if (allocated(array(1)%raw)) then join%raw = array(1)%raw//join%raw else join%raw = join%raw(len(sep_)+1:len(join%raw)) endif endfunction strjoin_strings pure function strjoin_characters(array, sep, is_trim) result(join) !< Return a string that is a join of an array of characters. !< !< The join-separator is set equals to a null string '' if custom separator isn't specified. !< The trim function is applied to array items if optional logical is_trim variable isn't set to .false. !< !<```fortran !< character(5) :: characters(3) !< logical :: test_passed(13) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = (strjoin(array=characters)//''==trim(characters(1))//trim(characters(2))//trim(characters(3))) !< test_passed(2) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-')//''==trim(characters(1))//'-'//trim(characters(2))//'-'//trim(characters(3))) !< test_passed(3) = ( strjoin(array=characters, is_trim=.false.)//''==characters(1)//characters(2)//characters(3)) !< test_passed(4) = ( strjoin(array=characters, sep='-', is_trim=.false.)//''==characters(1)//'-'//characters(2)//'-'//characters(3)) !< characters(1) = '' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(5) = (strjoin(array=characters)//''==trim(characters(2))//trim(characters(3))) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = '' !< test_passed(6) = (strjoin(array=characters)//''==trim(characters(1))//trim(characters(2))) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = '' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(7) = (strjoin(array=characters)//''==trim(characters(1))//trim(characters(3))) !< characters(1) = '' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(8) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-')//''==trim(characters(2))//'-'//trim(characters(3))) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = '' !< test_passed(9) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-')//''==trim(characters(1))//'-'//trim(characters(2))) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = '' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(10) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-')//''==trim(characters(1))//'-'//trim(characters(3))) !< characters(1) = '' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(11) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-', is_trim=.false.)//''==characters(2)//'-'//characters(3)) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = 'two' !< characters(3) = '' !< test_passed(12) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-', is_trim=.false.)//''==characters(1)//'-'//characters(2)) !< characters(1) = 'one' !< characters(2) = '' !< characters(3) = 'three' !< test_passed(13) = (strjoin(array=characters, sep='-', is_trim=.false.)//''==characters(1)//'-'//characters(3)) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: array(1:) !< Array to be joined. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_trim !< Flag to setup trim character or not type(string) :: join !< The join of array. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. logical :: is_trim_ !< Flag to setup trim character or not integer :: a !< Counter. sep_ = '' if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep is_trim_ = .true. ; if (present(is_trim)) is_trim_ = is_trim join = '' if (is_trim_) then do a=2, size(array, dim=1) if (trim(array(a))/='') join%raw = join%raw//sep_//trim(array(a)) enddo if (trim(array(1))/='') then join%raw = trim(array(1))//join%raw else join%raw = join%raw(len(sep_)+1:len(join%raw)) endif else do a=2, size(array, dim=1) if (array(a)/='') join%raw = join%raw//sep_//array(a) enddo if (array(1)/='') then join%raw = array(1)//join%raw else join%raw = join%raw(len(sep_)+1:len(join%raw)) endif endif endfunction strjoin_characters pure function strjoin_strings_array(array, sep, is_col) result(join) !< Return a string that is a join of columns or rows of an array of strings. !< !< The join-separator is set equals to a null string '' if custom separator isn't specified. !< The is_col is setup the direction of join: within default columns (.true.) or rows(.false.). !< !<```fortran !< type(string), allocatable :: strings_arr(:, :) !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< !< strings_arr = reshape( source = & !< [string('one'), string('two'), string('three'), & !< string('ONE'), string('TWO'), string('THREE')], & !< shape = [3, 2] ) !< !< test_passed(1) = all( strjoin(array=strings_arr) == & !< reshape([string('onetwothree'), string('ONETWOTHREE')], & !< shape = [2]) ) !< !< test_passed(2) = all( strjoin(array=strings_arr, sep='_') == & !< reshape([string('one_two_three'), string('ONE_TWO_THREE')], & !< shape = [2]) ) !< !< test_passed(3) = all( strjoin(array=strings_arr, is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('oneONE'), string('twoTWO'), string('threeTHREE')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< test_passed(4) = all( strjoin(array=strings_arr, sep='_', is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one_ONE'), string('two_TWO'), string('three_THREE')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< call strings_arr(2, 1)%free !< test_passed(5) = all( strjoin(array=strings_arr, sep='_', is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one_ONE'), string('TWO'), string('three_THREE')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: array(1:, 1:) !< Array to be joined. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_col !< Direction: 'columns' if .true. or 'rows' if .false. type(string), allocatable :: join(:) !< The join of array. type(string), allocatable :: slice(:) !< The column or row slice of array character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. logical :: is_col_ !< Direction, default value. integer :: a, join_size, slice_size !< Counter, sizes of join vector and of slice of array sep_ = '' ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep is_col_ = .true. ; if (present(is_col)) is_col_ = is_col if (is_col_) then join_size = size(array, dim=2) slice_size = size(array, dim=1) if (.not.allocated(join)) allocate(join(join_size)) if (.not.allocated(slice)) allocate(slice(slice_size)) do a = 1, join_size slice(:) = array(:, a) join(a) = strjoin_strings(slice, sep_) end do else join_size = size(array, dim=1) slice_size = size(array, dim=2) if (.not.allocated(join)) allocate(join(join_size)) if (.not.allocated(slice)) allocate(slice(slice_size)) do a = 1, join_size slice(:) = array(a, :) join(a) = strjoin_strings(slice, sep_) end do endif endfunction strjoin_strings_array pure function strjoin_characters_array(array, sep, is_trim, is_col) result(join) !< Return a string that is a join of columns or rows of an array of characters. !< !< The join-separator is set equals to a null string '' if custom separator isn't specified. !< The trim function is applied to array items if optional logical is_trim variable isn't set to .false. !< The is_col is setup the direction of join: within default columns (.true.) or rows(.false.). !< !<```fortran !< character(len=10) :: chars_arr(3, 2) !< logical :: test_passed(9) !< chars_arr(:, 1) = ['one ', 'two ', 'three '] !< chars_arr(:, 2) = ['ONE ', 'TWO ', 'THREE '] !< !< test_passed(1) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr) == & !< reshape([string('onetwothree'), string('ONETWOTHREE')], & !< shape = [2]) ) !< !< test_passed(2) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, is_trim=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one two three '), & !< string('ONE TWO THREE ')], & !< shape = [2]) ) !< !< test_passed(3) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, sep='_') == & !< reshape([string('one_two_three'), string('ONE_TWO_THREE')], & !< shape = [2]) ) !< !< test_passed(4) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, sep='_', is_trim=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one _two _three '), & !< string('ONE _TWO _THREE ')], & !< shape = [2]) ) !< !< test_passed(5) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('oneONE'), string('twoTWO'), string('threeTHREE')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< test_passed(6) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, is_trim=.false., is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one ONE '), & !< string('two TWO '), & !< string('three THREE ')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< test_passed(7) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, sep='_', is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one_ONE'), string('two_TWO'), string('three_THREE')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< test_passed(8) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, sep='_', is_trim=.false., is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one _ONE '), & !< string('two _TWO '), & !< string('three _THREE ')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< chars_arr(2,1) = '' !< test_passed(9) = all( strjoin(array=chars_arr, sep='_', is_col=.false.) == & !< reshape([string('one_ONE'), & !< string('TWO'), & !< string('three_THREE')], & !< shape = [3]) ) !< !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: array(1:, 1:) !< Array to be joined. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_trim !< Flag to setup trim character or not logical, intent(in), optional :: is_col !< Direction: 'columns' if .true. or 'rows' if .false. type(string), allocatable :: join(:) !< The join of array. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: slice(:) !< The column or row slice of array character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. logical :: is_trim_ !< Flag to setup trim character or not logical :: is_col_ !< Direction, default value. integer :: a, join_size, slice_size !< Counter, sizes of join vector and of slice of array integer :: item_len !< Length of array item (all items of character array have equal lengths) item_len = len(array(1,1)) !< all items of character array have equal lengths sep_ = '' ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep is_trim_ = .true. ; if (present(is_trim)) is_trim_ = is_trim is_col_ = .true. ; if (present(is_col)) is_col_ = is_col if (is_col_) then join_size = size(array, dim=2) slice_size = size(array, dim=1) if (.not.allocated(join)) allocate(join(join_size)) if (.not.allocated(slice)) allocate(character(len=item_len) :: slice(slice_size)) do a = 1, join_size slice(:) = array(:, a) join(a) = strjoin_characters(slice, sep_, is_trim_) end do else join_size = size(array, dim=1) slice_size = size(array, dim=2) if (.not.allocated(join)) allocate(join(join_size)) if (.not.allocated(slice)) allocate(character(len=item_len) :: slice(slice_size)) do a = 1, join_size slice(:) = array(a, :) join(a) = strjoin_characters(slice, sep_, is_trim_) end do endif endfunction strjoin_characters_array elemental function lower(self) !< Return a string with all lowercase characters. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello WorLD!' !< test_passed(1) = astring%lower()//''=='hello world!' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: lower !< Upper case string. integer :: n1 !< Characters counter. integer :: n2 !< Characters counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then lower = self do n1=1, len(self%raw) n2 = index(UPPER_ALPHABET, self%raw(n1:n1)) if (n2>0) lower%raw(n1:n1) = LOWER_ALPHABET(n2:n2) enddo endif endfunction lower pure function partition(self, sep) result(partitions) !< Split string at separator and return the 3 parts (before, the separator and after). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: strings(3) !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'Hello WorLD!' !< strings = astring%partition(sep='lo Wo') !< test_passed(1) = (strings(1)//''=='Hel'.and.strings(2)//''=='lo Wo'.and.strings(3)//''=='rLD!') !< strings = astring%partition(sep='Hello') !< test_passed(2) = (strings(1)//''==''.and.strings(2)//''=='Hello'.and.strings(3)//''==' WorLD!') !< astring = 'Hello WorLD!' !< strings = astring%partition() !< test_passed(3) = (strings(1)//''=='Hello'.and.strings(2)//''==' '.and.strings(3)//''=='WorLD!') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: partitions(1:3) !< Partions: before the separator, the separator itsels and !< after the separator. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: c !< Character counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = SPACE ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep partitions(1) = self partitions(2) = sep_ partitions(3) = '' if (len(sep_)>=len(self%raw)) return c = index(self%raw, sep_) if (c>0) then partitions(1)%raw = self%raw(1:c-1) partitions(2)%raw = self%raw(c:c+len(sep_)-1) partitions(3)%raw = self%raw(c+len(sep_):) endif endif endfunction partition subroutine read_file(self, file, is_fast, form, iostat, iomsg) !< Read a file as a single string stream. !< !< @note All the lines are stored into the string self as a single ascii stream. Each line (record) is separated by a `new_line` !< character. !< !< @note For unformatted read only `access='stream'` is supported with new_line as line terminator. !< !< @note *Fast* file reading allows a very efficient reading of streamed file, but it dumps file as single streamed string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string), allocatable :: strings(:) !< type(string) :: line(3) !< integer :: iostat !< character(len=99) :: iomsg !< integer :: scratch !< integer :: l !< logical :: test_passed(9) !< line(1) = ' Hello World! ' !< line(2) = 'How are you? ' !< line(3) = ' All say: "Fine thanks"' !< open(newunit=scratch, file='read_file_test.tmp') !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(1)%chars() !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(2)%chars() !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(3)%chars() !< close(scratch) !< call astring%read_file(file='read_file_test.tmp', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(1) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1)) !< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1) !< test_passed(l+1) = (strings(l)==line(l)) !< enddo !< open(newunit=scratch, file='read_file_test.tmp', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM') !< write(scratch) line(1)%chars()//new_line('a') !< write(scratch) line(2)%chars()//new_line('a') !< write(scratch) line(3)%chars()//new_line('a') !< close(scratch) !< call astring%read_file(file='read_file_test.tmp', form='unformatted', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(5) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1)) !< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1) !< test_passed(l+5) = (strings(l)==line(l)) !< enddo !< open(newunit=scratch, file='read_file_test.tmp', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM') !< close(scratch, status='DELETE') !< call astring%read_file(file='read_file_test.tmp', iostat=iostat) !< test_passed(9) = (iostat/=0) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: self !< The string. character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !< File name. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_fast !< Flag to enable (super) fast file reading. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit. integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message. logical :: is_fast_ !< Flag to enable (super) fast file reading, local variable. type(string) :: form_ !< Format of unit, local variable. integer :: iostat_ !< IO status code, local variable. character(len=:), allocatable :: iomsg_ !< IO status message, local variable. integer :: unit !< Logical unit. logical :: does_exist !< Check if file exist. integer(I4P) :: filesize !< Size of the file for fast reading. iomsg_ = repeat(' ', 99) ; if (present(iomsg)) iomsg_ = iomsg inquire(file=file, iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_, exist=does_exist) if (does_exist) then is_fast_ = .false. ; if (present(is_fast)) is_fast_ = is_fast if (is_fast_) then open(newunit=unit, file=file, access='STREAM', form='UNFORMATTED', iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_) inquire(file=file, size=filesize) if (allocated(self%raw)) deallocate(self%raw) allocate(character(len=filesize):: self%raw) read(unit=unit, iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_) self%raw close(unit) else form_ = 'FORMATTED' ; if (present(form)) form_ = form ; form_ = form_%upper() select case(form_%chars()) case('FORMATTED') open(newunit=unit, file=file, status='OLD', action='READ', iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_, err=10) case('UNFORMATTED') open(newunit=unit, file=file, status='OLD', action='READ', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM', & iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_, err=10) endselect call self%read_lines(unit=unit, form=form, iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_) 10 close(unit) endif else iostat_ = 1 iomsg_ = 'file not found' endif if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_ if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = iomsg_ endsubroutine read_file subroutine read_line(self, unit, form, iostat, iomsg) !< Read line (record) from a connected unit. !< !< The line is read as an ascii stream read until the eor is reached. !< !< @note For unformatted read only `access='stream'` is supported with new_line as line terminator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: line(3) !< integer :: iostat !< character(len=99) :: iomsg !< integer :: scratch !< integer :: l !< logical :: test_passed(6) !< line(1) = ' Hello World! ' !< line(2) = 'How are you? ' !< line(3) = ' All say: "Fine thanks"' !< open(newunit=scratch, status='SCRATCH') !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(1)%chars() !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(2)%chars() !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(3)%chars() !< rewind(scratch) !< l = 0 !< iostat = 0 !< do !< l = l + 1 !< call astring%read_line(unit=scratch, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< if (iostat/=0.and..not.is_iostat_eor(iostat)) then !< exit !< else !< test_passed(l) = (astring==line(l)) !< endif !< enddo !< close(scratch) !< open(newunit=scratch, status='SCRATCH', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM') !< write(scratch) line(1)%chars()//new_line('a') !< write(scratch) line(2)%chars()//new_line('a') !< write(scratch) line(3)%chars()//new_line('a') !< rewind(scratch) !< l = 0 !< iostat = 0 !< do !< l = l + 1 !< call astring%read_line(unit=scratch, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg, form='UnfORMatteD') !< if (iostat/=0.and..not.is_iostat_eor(iostat)) then !< exit !< else !< test_passed(l+3) = (astring==line(l)) !< endif !< enddo !< close(scratch) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: self !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit. integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message. type(string) :: form_ !< Format of unit, local variable. integer :: iostat_ !< IO status code, local variable. character(len=:), allocatable :: iomsg_ !< IO status message, local variable. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: line !< Line storage. character(kind=CK, len=1) :: ch !< Character storage. form_ = 'FORMATTED' ; if (present(form)) form_ = form ; form_ = form_%upper() iomsg_ = repeat(' ', 99) ; if (present(iomsg)) iomsg_ = iomsg line = '' select case(form_%chars()) case('FORMATTED') do read(unit, "(A)", advance='no', iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_, err=10, end=10, eor=10) ch line = line//ch enddo case('UNFORMATTED') do read(unit, iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_, err=10, end=10) ch if (ch==new_line('a')) then iostat_ = iostat_eor exit endif line = line//ch enddo endselect 10 if (line/='') self%raw = line if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_ if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = iomsg_ endsubroutine read_line subroutine read_lines(self, unit, form, iostat, iomsg) !< Read (all) lines (records) from a connected unit as a single ascii stream. !< !< @note All the lines are stored into the string self as a single ascii stream. Each line (record) is separated by a `new_line` !< character. The line is read as an ascii stream read until the eor is reached. !< !< @note The connected unit is rewinded. At a successful exit current record is at eof, at the beginning otherwise. !< !< @note For unformatted read only `access='stream'` is supported with new_line as line terminator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string), allocatable :: strings(:) !< type(string) :: line(3) !< integer :: iostat !< character(len=99) :: iomsg !< integer :: scratch !< integer :: l !< logical :: test_passed(8) !< !< line(1) = ' Hello World! ' !< line(2) = 'How are you? ' !< line(3) = ' All say: "Fine thanks"' !< open(newunit=scratch, status='SCRATCH') !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(1)%chars() !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(2)%chars() !< write(scratch, "(A)") line(3)%chars() !< call astring%read_lines(unit=scratch, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(1) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1)) !< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1) !< test_passed(l+1) = (strings(l)==line(l)) !< enddo !< close(scratch) !< open(newunit=scratch, status='SCRATCH', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM') !< write(scratch) line(1)%chars()//new_line('a') !< write(scratch) line(2)%chars()//new_line('a') !< write(scratch) line(3)%chars()//new_line('a') !< call astring%read_lines(unit=scratch, form='unformatted', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(5) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1)) !< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1) !< test_passed(l+5) = (strings(l)==line(l)) !< enddo !< close(scratch) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: self !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit. integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message. integer :: iostat_ !< IO status code, local variable. character(len=:), allocatable :: iomsg_ !< IO status message, local variable. type(string) :: lines !< Lines storage. type(string) :: line !< Line storage. iomsg_ = repeat(' ', 99) ; if (present(iomsg)) iomsg_ = iomsg rewind(unit) iostat_ = 0 lines%raw = '' do line%raw = '' call line%read_line(unit=unit, form=form, iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_) if (iostat_/=0.and..not.is_iostat_eor(iostat_)) then exit elseif (line/='') then lines%raw = lines%raw//line%raw//new_line('a') endif enddo if (lines%raw/='') self%raw = lines%raw if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_ if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = iomsg_ endsubroutine read_lines elemental function replace(self, old, new, count) result(replaced) !< Return a string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(4) !< astring = 'When YOU are sad YOU should think to me :-)' !< test_passed(1) = (astring%replace(old='YOU', new='THEY')//''=='When THEY are sad THEY should think to me :-)') !< test_passed(2) = (astring%replace(old='YOU', new='THEY', count=1)//''=='When THEY are sad YOU should think to me :-)') !< astring = repeat(new_line('a')//'abcd', 20) !< astring = astring%replace(old=new_line('a'), new='|cr|') !< astring = astring%replace(old='|cr|', new=new_line('a')//' ') !< test_passed(3) = (astring//''==repeat(new_line('a')//' '//'abcd', 20)) !< astring = 'abcd efg hlmn' !< astring = astring%replace(old='', new='-') !< test_passed(4) = (astring//''=='abcd efg hlmn') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: old !< Old substring. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: new !< New substring. integer, intent(in), optional :: count !< Number of old occurences to be replaced. type(string) :: replaced !< The string with old replaced by new. integer :: r !< Counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then replaced = self if (len(old)==0) return ! avoid infite loop for null substring replacement r = 0 do if (index(replaced%raw, old)>0) then replaced = replaced%replace_one_occurrence(old=old, new=new) r = r + 1 if (present(count)) then if (r>=count) exit endif else exit endif enddo endif endfunction replace elemental function reverse(self) result(reversed) !< Return a reversed string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'abcdefghilmnopqrstuvz' !< test_passed(1) = (astring%reverse()//''=='zvutsrqponmlihgfedcba') !< astring = '0123456789' !< test_passed(2) = (astring%reverse()//''=='9876543210') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: reversed !< The reversed string. integer :: length !< Length of the string. integer :: c !< Counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then reversed = self length = len(self%raw) do c=1, length reversed%raw(c:c) = self%raw(length-c+1:length-c+1) enddo endif endfunction reverse function search(self, tag_start, tag_end, in_string, in_character, istart, iend) result(tag) !< Search for *tagged* record into string, return the first record found (if any) matching the tags. !< !< Optionally, returns the indexes of tag start/end, thus this is not an `elemental` function. !< !< @note The tagged record is searched into self if allocated otherwise into `in_string` if passed or, eventually, into !< `in_character` is passed. If tag is not found the return string is not allocated and the start/end indexes (if requested) are !< zero. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< integer :: istart !< integer :: iend !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< astring = '<test> <first> hello </first> <first> not the first </first> </test>' !< anotherstring = astring%search(tag_start='<first>', tag_end='</first>') !< test_passed(1) = anotherstring//''=='<first> hello </first>' !< astring = '<test> <a> <a> <a> the nested a </a> </a> </a> </test>' !< anotherstring = astring%search(tag_start='<a>', tag_end='</a>') !< test_passed(2) = anotherstring//''=='<a> <a> <a> the nested a </a> </a> </a>' !< call astring%free !< anotherstring = '<test> <a> <a> <a> the nested a </a> </a> </a> </test>' !< astring = astring%search(in_string=anotherstring, tag_start='<a>', tag_end='</a>') !< test_passed(3) = astring//''=='<a> <a> <a> the nested a </a> </a> </a>' !< call astring%free !< acharacter = '<test> <a> <a> <a> the nested a </a> </a> </a> </test>' !< astring = astring%search(in_character=acharacter, tag_start='<a>', tag_end='</a>') !< test_passed(4) = astring//''=='<a> <a> <a> the nested a </a> </a> </a>' !< acharacter = '<test> <first> hello </first> <sec> <sec>not the first</sec> </sec> </test>' !< astring = astring%search(in_character=acharacter, tag_start='<sec>', tag_end='</sec>', istart=istart, iend=iend) !< test_passed(5) = astring//''==acharacter(31:67) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: tag_start !< Start tag. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: tag_end !< End tag. type(string), intent(in), optional :: in_string !< Search into this string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: in_character !< Search into this character string. integer, intent(out), optional :: istart !< Starting index of tag inside the string. integer, intent(out), optional :: iend !< Ending index of tag inside the string. type(string) :: tag !< First tag found. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: raw !< Raw string into which search the tag. integer :: istart_ !< Starting index of tag inside the string, local variable. integer :: iend_ !< Ending index of tag inside the string, local variable. integer :: nested_tags !< Number of nested tags inside tag. integer :: t !< Counter. raw = '' if (present(in_string)) then raw = in_string%raw elseif (present(in_character)) then raw = in_character else if (allocated(self%raw)) raw = self%raw endif istart_ = 0 iend_ = 0 if (raw/='') then istart_ = index(raw, tag_start) iend_ = index(raw, tag_end) if (istart_>0.and.iend_>0) then iend_ = iend_ + len(tag_end) - 1 tag%raw = raw(istart_:iend_) nested_tags = tag%count(tag_start) if (nested_tags>1) then do t=2, nested_tags iend_ = iend_ + len(tag_end) - 1 + index(raw(iend_+1:), tag_end) enddo tag%raw = raw(istart_:iend_) endif endif endif if (present(istart)) istart = istart_ if (present(iend)) iend = iend_ endfunction search pure function slice(self, istart, iend) result(raw) !< Return the raw characters data sliced. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< astring = 'the Quick Brown fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.' !< print "(A)", astring%slice(11,25) !<``` !=> Brown fox Jumps <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: istart !< Slice start index. integer, intent(in) :: iend !< Slice end index. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: raw !< Raw characters data. if (allocated(self%raw)) then raw = self%raw(istart:iend) else raw = '' endif endfunction slice elemental function snakecase(self, sep) !< Return a string with all words lowercase separated by "_". !< !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurence. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'the Quick Brown fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.' !< test_passed(1) = astring%snakecase()//''=='the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog.' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: snakecase !< Snake case string. type(string), allocatable :: tokens(:) !< String tokens. if (allocated(self%raw)) then call self%split(tokens=tokens, sep=sep) tokens = tokens%lower() snakecase = snakecase%join(array=tokens, sep='_') endif endfunction snakecase pure subroutine split(self, tokens, sep, max_tokens) !< Return a list of substring in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. !< !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurrence. !< !< @note If `max_tokens` is passed the returned number of tokens is either `max_tokens` or `max_tokens + 1`. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string), allocatable :: strings(:) !< logical :: test_passed(11) !< astring = '+ab-++cre-++cre-ab+' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(1) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-'.and.strings(2)//''=='cre-'.and.strings(3)//''=='cre-ab') !< astring = 'ab-++cre-++cre-ab+' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(2) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-'.and.strings(2)//''=='cre-'.and.strings(3)//''=='cre-ab') !< astring = 'ab-++cre-++cre-ab' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(3) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-'.and.strings(2)//''=='cre-'.and.strings(3)//''=='cre-ab') !< astring = 'Hello '//new_line('a')//'World!' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(4) = (strings(1)//''=='Hello '.and.strings(2)//''=='World!') !< astring = 'Hello World!' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings) !< test_passed(5) = (strings(1)//''=='Hello'.and.strings(2)//''=='World!') !< astring = '+ab-' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(6) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-') !< astring = '+ab-' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='-') !< test_passed(7) = (strings(1)//''=='+ab') !< astring = '+ab-+cd-' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(8) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-'.and.strings(2)//''=='cd-') !< astring = 'ab-+cd-+' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(9) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-'.and.strings(2)//''=='cd-') !< astring = '+ab-+cd-+' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='+') !< test_passed(10) = (strings(1)//''=='ab-'.and.strings(2)//''=='cd-') !< astring = '1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8' !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep='-', max_tokens=3) !< test_passed(11) = (strings(1)//''=='1'.and.strings(2)//''=='2'.and.strings(3)//''=='3'.and.strings(4)//''=='4-5-6-7-8') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), allocatable, intent(out) :: tokens(:) !< Tokens substring. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. integer, intent(in), optional :: max_tokens !< Fix the maximum number of returned tokens. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: No !< Number of occurrences of sep. integer :: t !< Character counter. type(string) :: temporary !< Temporary storage. type(string), allocatable :: temp_toks(:,:) !< Temporary tokens substring. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = SPACE ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep temporary = self%unique(sep_) No = temporary%count(sep_) if (No>0) then if (present(max_tokens)) then if (max_tokens < No.and.max_tokens > 0) No = max_tokens endif allocate(temp_toks(3, No)) temp_toks(:, 1) = temporary%partition(sep_) if (No>1) then do t=2, No temp_toks(:, t) = temp_toks(3, t-1)%partition(sep_) enddo endif if (temp_toks(1, 1)%raw/=''.and.temp_toks(3, No)%raw/='') then allocate(tokens(No+1)) do t=1, No if (t==No) then tokens(t ) = temp_toks(1, t) tokens(t+1) = temp_toks(3, t) else tokens(t) = temp_toks(1, t) endif enddo elseif (temp_toks(1, 1)%raw/='') then allocate(tokens(No)) do t=1, No tokens(t) = temp_toks(1, t) enddo elseif (temp_toks(3, No)%raw/='') then allocate(tokens(No)) do t=1, No-1 tokens(t) = temp_toks(1, t+1) enddo tokens(No) = temp_toks(3, No) else allocate(tokens(No-1)) do t=2, No tokens(t-1) = temp_toks(1, t) enddo endif else allocate(tokens(1)) tokens(1) = self endif endif endsubroutine split pure subroutine split_chunked(self, tokens, chunks, sep) !< Return a list of substring in the string, using sep as the delimiter string, chunked (memory-efficient) algorithm. !< !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurrence. !< !< @note The split is performed in chunks of `#chunks` to avoid excessive memory consumption. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string), allocatable :: strings(:) !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-' !< call astring%split_chunked(tokens=strings, sep='-', chunks=3) !< test_passed(1) = (strings(1)//''=='1'.and.strings(2)//''=='2'.and.strings(3)//''=='3'.and.strings(4)//''=='4'.and. & !< strings(5)//''=='5'.and.strings(6)//''=='6'.and.strings(7)//''=='7'.and.strings(8)//''=='8') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string), allocatable, intent(out) :: tokens(:) !< Tokens substring. integer, intent(in) :: chunks !< Number of chunks. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. integer :: Nt !< Number of actual tokens. integer :: t !< Counter. logical :: isok if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = SPACE ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep Nt = self%count(sep_) if (self%start_with(prefix=sep_)) Nt = Nt - 1 if (self%end_with(suffix=sep_)) Nt = Nt - 1 t = 0 call self%split(tokens=tokens, sep=sep_, max_tokens=chunks) do t = size(tokens, dim=1) if (t > Nt) exit call split_last_token(tokens=tokens, max_tokens=chunks,isok=isok) if(isok)then else exit endif enddo t = size(tokens, dim=1) if (tokens(t)%count(sep_) > 0) then call split_last_token(tokens=tokens,isok=isok) endif endif contains pure subroutine split_last_token(tokens, max_tokens,isok) !< Split last token. type(string), allocatable, intent(inout) :: tokens(:) !< Tokens substring. integer, intent(in), optional :: max_tokens !< Max tokens returned. type(string), allocatable :: tokens_(:) !< Temporary tokens. type(string), allocatable :: tokens_swap(:) !< Swap tokens. integer :: Nt_ !< Number of last created tokens. logical,intent(out) :: isok isok=.true. call tokens(t)%split(tokens=tokens_, sep=sep_, max_tokens=max_tokens) if (allocated(tokens_)) then Nt_ = size(tokens_, dim=1) if (Nt_ >= 1) then allocate(tokens_swap(1:t-1+Nt_)) tokens_swap(1:t-1) = tokens(1:t-1) tokens_swap(t:) = tokens_(:) call move_alloc(from=tokens_swap, to=tokens) endif if (Nt_ == 1) then isok=.false. end if deallocate(tokens_) endif endsubroutine split_last_token endsubroutine split_chunked elemental function startcase(self, sep) !< Return a string with all words capitalized, e.g. title case. !< !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurence. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'the Quick Brown fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog.' !< test_passed(1) = astring%startcase()//''=='The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog.' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator. type(string) :: startcase !< Start case string. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value. type(string), allocatable :: tokens(:) !< String tokens. if (allocated(self%raw)) then sep_ = SPACE ; if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep call self%split(tokens=tokens, sep=sep_) tokens = tokens%capitalize() startcase = startcase%join(array=tokens, sep=sep_) endif endfunction startcase elemental function strip(self, remove_nulls) !< Return a copy of the string with the leading and trailing characters removed. !< !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurence. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = ' Hello World! ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%strip()//''=='Hello World!' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical, intent(in), optional :: remove_nulls !< Remove null characters at the end. type(string) :: strip !< The stripped string. integer :: c !< Counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then strip = self%adjustl() strip = strip%trim() if (present(remove_nulls)) then if (remove_nulls) then c = index(self%raw, char(0)) if (c>0) strip%raw = strip%raw(1:c-1) endif endif endif endfunction strip elemental function swapcase(self) !< Return a copy of the string with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = ' Hello World! ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%swapcase()//''==' hELLO wORLD! ' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: swapcase !< Upper case string. integer :: n1 !< Characters counter. integer :: n2 !< Characters counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then swapcase = self do n1=1, len(self%raw) n2 = index(UPPER_ALPHABET, self%raw(n1:n1)) if (n2>0) then swapcase%raw(n1:n1) = LOWER_ALPHABET(n2:n2) else n2 = index(LOWER_ALPHABET, self%raw(n1:n1)) if (n2>0) swapcase%raw(n1:n1) = UPPER_ALPHABET(n2:n2) endif enddo endif endfunction swapcase function tempname(self, is_file, prefix, path) !< Return a safe temporary name suitable for temporary file or directories. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: tmpname !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< tmpname = astring%tempname() !< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(1)) !< test_passed(1) = .not.test_passed(1) !< tmpname = astring%tempname(is_file=.false.) !< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(2)) !< test_passed(2) = .not.test_passed(2) !< tmpname = astring%tempname(path='./') !< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(3)) !< test_passed(3) = .not.test_passed(3) !< astring = 'me-' !< tmpname = astring%tempname() !< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(4)) !< test_passed(4) = .not.test_passed(4) !< tmpname = astring%tempname(prefix='you-') !< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(5)) !< test_passed(5) = .not.test_passed(5) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_file !< True if tempname should be used for file (the default). character(*), intent(in), optional :: prefix !< Name prefix, otherwise self is used (if allocated). character(*), intent(in), optional :: path !< Path where file/directory should be used, default `./`. character(len=:), allocatable :: tempname !< Safe (unique) temporary name. logical :: is_file_ !< True if tempname should be used for file (the default). character(len=:), allocatable :: prefix_ !< Name prefix, otherwise self is used (if allocated). character(len=:), allocatable :: path_ !< Path where file/directory should be used, default `./`. logical, save :: is_initialized=.false. !< Status of random seed initialization. real(R4P) :: random_real !< Random number (real). integer(I4P) :: random_integer !< Random number (integer). logical :: is_hold !< Flag to check if a safe tempname has been found. is_file_ = .true. ; if (present(is_file)) is_file_ = is_file path_ = '' ; if (present(path)) path_ = path prefix_ = '' if (present(prefix)) then prefix_ = prefix elseif (allocated(self%raw)) then prefix_ = self%raw endif if (.not.is_initialized) then call random_seed is_initialized = .true. endif tempname = repeat(' ', len(path_) + len(prefix_) + 10) ! [path_] + [prefix_] + 6 random chars + [.tmp] do call random_number(random_real) random_integer = transfer(random_real, random_integer) random_integer = iand(random_integer, 16777215_I4P) if (is_file_) then write(tempname, '(A,Z6.6,A)') path_//prefix_, random_integer, '.tmp' else write(tempname, '(A,Z6.6)') path_//prefix_, random_integer tempname = trim(tempname) endif inquire(file=tempname, exist=is_hold) if (.not.is_hold) exit enddo endfunction tempname elemental function to_integer_I1P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to integer (I1P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< integer(I1P) :: integer_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '127' !< integer_ = astring%to_number(kind=1_I1P) !< test_passed(1) = integer_==127_I1P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer(I1P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. integer(I1P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_integer()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_integer_I1P #ifndef _NVF elemental function to_integer_I2P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to integer (I2P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< integer(I2P) :: integer_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '127' !< integer_ = astring%to_number(kind=1_I2P) !< test_passed(1) = integer_==127_I2P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer(I2P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. integer(I2P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_integer()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_integer_I2P #endif elemental function to_integer_I4P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to integer (I4P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< integer(I4P) :: integer_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '127' !< integer_ = astring%to_number(kind=1_I4P) !< test_passed(1) = integer_==127_I4P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer(I4P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. integer(I4P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_integer()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_integer_I4P elemental function to_integer_I8P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to integer (I8P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< integer(I8P) :: integer_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '127' !< integer_ = astring%to_number(kind=1_I8P) !< test_passed(1) = integer_==127_I8P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer(I8P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. integer(I8P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_integer()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_integer_I8P elemental function to_real_R4P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to real (R4P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< real(R4P) :: real_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '3.4e9' !< real_ = astring%to_number(kind=1._R4P) !< test_passed(1) = real_==3.4e9_R4P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. real(R4P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. real(R4P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_real()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_real_R4P elemental function to_real_R8P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to real (R8P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< real(R8P) :: real_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '3.4e9' !< real_ = astring%to_number(kind=1._R8P) !< test_passed(1) = real_==3.4e9_R8P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. real(R8P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. real(R8P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_real()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_real_R8P elemental function to_real_R16P(self, kind) result(to_number) !< Cast string to real (R16P). !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< real(R16P) :: real_ !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '3.4e9' !< real_ = astring%to_number(kind=1._R16P) !< test_passed(1) = real_==3.4e9_R16P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. real(R16P), intent(in) :: kind !< Mold parameter for kind detection. real(R16P) :: to_number !< The number into the string. if (allocated(self%raw)) then if (self%is_real()) read(self%raw, *) to_number endif endfunction to_real_R16P elemental function unescape(self, to_unescape, unesc) result(unescaped) !< Unescape double backslashes (or custom escaped character). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = '^\\s \\d+\\s*' !< test_passed(1) = (astring%unescape(to_unescape='\')//''=='^\s \d+\s*') !< test_passed(2) = (astring%unescape(to_unescape='s')//''=='^\s \\d+\s*') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=1), intent(in) :: to_unescape !< Character to be unescaped. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: unesc !< Character used to unescape. type(string) :: unescaped !< Escaped string. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: unesc_ !< Character to unescape, local variable. integer :: c !< Character counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then unesc_ = '' ; if (present(unesc)) unesc_ = unesc unescaped%raw = '' c = 1 do if (c>len(self%raw)) exit if (c==len(self%raw)) then unescaped%raw = unescaped%raw//self%raw(c:c) exit else if (self%raw(c:c+1)==BACKSLASH//to_unescape) then unescaped%raw = unescaped%raw//to_unescape c = c + 2 else unescaped%raw = unescaped%raw//self%raw(c:c) c = c + 1 endif endif enddo endif endfunction unescape elemental function unique(self, substring) result(uniq) !< Reduce to one (unique) multiple (sequential) occurrences of a substring into a string. !< !< For example the string ' ab-cre-cre-ab' is reduce to 'ab-cre-ab' if the substring is '-cre'. !< @note Eventual multiple trailing white space are not reduced to one occurrence. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = '+++ab-++cre-++cre-ab+++++' !< test_passed(1) = astring%unique(substring='+')//''=='+ab-+cre-+cre-ab+' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: substring !< Substring which multiple occurences must be reduced to one. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: substring_ !< Substring, default value. type(string) :: uniq !< String parsed. #ifdef _NVF character(9999) :: nvf_bug !< Work around for NVFortran bug. #endif if (allocated(self%raw)) then substring_ = SPACE ; if (present(substring)) substring_ = substring uniq = self do #ifdef _NVF nvf_bug = substring_ if (.not.uniq%index(repeat(trim(nvf_bug), 2))>0) exit uniq = uniq%replace(old=repeat(trim(nvf_bug), 2), new=substring_) #else if (.not.uniq%index(repeat(substring_, 2))>0) exit uniq = uniq%replace(old=repeat(substring_, 2), new=substring_) #endif enddo endif endfunction unique elemental function upper(self) !< Return a string with all uppercase characters. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello WorLD!' !< test_passed(1) = astring%upper()//''=='HELLO WORLD!' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. type(string) :: upper !< Upper case string. integer :: n1 !< Characters counter. integer :: n2 !< Characters counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then upper = self do n1=1, len(self%raw) n2 = index(LOWER_ALPHABET, self%raw(n1:n1)) if (n2>0) upper%raw(n1:n1) = UPPER_ALPHABET(n2:n2) enddo endif endfunction upper subroutine write_file(self, file, form, iostat, iomsg) !< Write a single string stream into file. !< !< @note For unformatted read only `access='stream'` is supported with new_line as line terminator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< type(string), allocatable :: strings(:) !< type(string) :: line(3) !< integer :: iostat !< character(len=99) :: iomsg !< integer :: scratch !< integer :: l !< logical :: test_passed(8) !< line(1) = ' Hello World! ' !< line(2) = 'How are you? ' !< line(3) = ' All say: "Fine thanks"' !< anotherstring = anotherstring%join(array=line, sep=new_line('a')) !< call anotherstring%write_file(file='write_file_test.tmp', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%read_file(file='write_file_test.tmp', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(1) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1)) !< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1) !< test_passed(l+1) = (strings(l)==line(l)) !< enddo !< call anotherstring%write_file(file='write_file_test.tmp', form='unformatted', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%read_file(file='write_file_test.tmp', form='unformatted', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) !< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a')) !< test_passed(5) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1)) !< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1) !< test_passed(l+5) = (strings(l)==line(l)) !< enddo !< open(newunit=scratch, file='write_file_test.tmp') !< close(unit=scratch, status='delete') !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !< File name. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit. integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message. type(string) :: form_ !< Format of unit, local variable. integer :: iostat_ !< IO status code, local variable. character(len=:), allocatable :: iomsg_ !< IO status message, local variable. integer :: unit !< Logical unit. iomsg_ = repeat(' ', 99) ; if (present(iomsg)) iomsg_ = iomsg form_ = 'FORMATTED' ; if (present(form)) form_ = form ; form_ = form_%upper() select case(form_%chars()) case('FORMATTED') open(newunit=unit, file=file, action='WRITE', iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_, err=10) case('UNFORMATTED') open(newunit=unit, file=file, action='WRITE', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM', iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_, err=10) endselect call self%write_lines(unit=unit, form=form, iomsg=iomsg_, iostat=iostat_) 10 close(unit) if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_ if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = iomsg_ endsubroutine write_file subroutine write_line(self, unit, form, iostat, iomsg) !< Write line (record) to a connected unit. !< !< @note If the connected unit is unformatted a `new_line()` character is added at the end (if necessary) to mark the end of line. !< !< @note There is no doctests, this being tested by means of [[string:write_file]] doctests. class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit. integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message. type(string) :: form_ !< Format of unit, local variable. integer :: iostat_ !< IO status code, local variable. character(len=:), allocatable :: iomsg_ !< IO status message, local variable. iostat_ = 0 iomsg_ = repeat(' ', 99) ; if (present(iomsg)) iomsg_ = iomsg if (allocated(self%raw)) then form_ = 'FORMATTED' ; if (present(form)) form_ = form ; form_ = form_%upper() select case(form_%chars()) case('FORMATTED') write(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_) self%raw case('UNFORMATTED') if (self%end_with(new_line('a'))) then write(unit, iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_) self%raw else write(unit, iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_) self%raw//new_line('a') endif endselect endif if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_ if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = iomsg_ endsubroutine write_line subroutine write_lines(self, unit, form, iostat, iomsg) !< Write lines (records) to a connected unit. !< !< This method checks if self contains more than one line (records) and writes them as lines (records). !< !< @note If the connected unit is unformatted a `new_line()` character is added at the end (if necessary) to mark the end of line. !< !< @note There is no doctests, this being tested by means of [[string:write_file]] doctests. class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit. integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message. type(string), allocatable :: lines(:) !< Lines. integer :: l !< Counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then call self%split(tokens=lines, sep=new_line('a')) do l=1, size(lines, dim=1) call lines(l)%write_line(unit=unit, form=form, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) enddo endif endsubroutine write_lines ! inquire elemental function end_with(self, suffix, start, end, ignore_null_eof) !< Return true if a string ends with a specified suffix. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(5) !< astring = 'Hello WorLD!' !< test_passed(1) = astring%end_with(suffix='LD!').eqv..true. !< test_passed(2) = astring%end_with(suffix='lD!').eqv..false. !< test_passed(3) = astring%end_with(suffix='orLD!', start=5).eqv..true. !< test_passed(4) = astring%end_with(suffix='orLD!', start=8, end=12).eqv..true. !< test_passed(5) = astring%end_with(suffix='!').eqv..true. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: suffix !< Searched suffix. integer, intent(in), optional :: start !< Start position into the string. integer, intent(in), optional :: end !< End position into the string. logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_null_eof !< Ignore null character at the end of file. logical :: end_with !< Result of the test. integer :: start_ !< Start position into the string, local variable. integer :: end_ !< End position into the string, local variable. logical :: ignore_null_eof_ !< Ignore null character at the end of file, local variable. end_with = .false. if (allocated(self%raw)) then start_ = 1 ; if (present(start)) start_ = start end_ = len(self%raw) ; if (present(end)) end_ = end ignore_null_eof_ = .false. ; if (present(ignore_null_eof)) ignore_null_eof_ = ignore_null_eof if (ignore_null_eof_.and.(self%raw(end_:end_) == char(0))) end_ = end_ - 1 if (len(suffix) <= len(self%raw(start_:end_))) then end_with = self%raw(end_-len(suffix)+1:end_) == suffix endif endif endfunction end_with elemental function is_allocated(self) !< Return true if the string is allocated. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_allocated().eqv..false. !< astring = 'hello' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_allocated().eqv..true. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical :: is_allocated !< Result of the test. is_allocated = allocated(self%raw) endfunction is_allocated elemental function is_digit(self) !< Return true if all characters in the string are digits. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' -1212112.3 ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_digit().eqv..false. !< astring = '12121123' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_digit().eqv..true. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical :: is_digit !< Result of the test. integer :: c !< Character counter. is_digit = .false. if (allocated(self%raw)) then do c=1, len(self%raw) select case (self%raw(c:c)) case ('0':'9') is_digit = .true. case default is_digit = .false. exit end select enddo endif endfunction is_digit elemental function is_integer(self, allow_spaces) !< Return true if the string contains an integer. !< !< The regular expression is `\s*[\+\-]?\d+([eE]\+?\d+)?\s*`. The parse algorithm is done in stages: !< !< | S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | !< |-----|---------|-----|------|-----|-----|-----| !< |`\s*`|`[\+\-]?`|`\d+`|`[eE]`|`\+?`|`\d+`|`\s*`| !< !< Exit on stages-parsing results in: !< !< | S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | !< |----|----|----|----|----|----|----| !< | F | F | T | F | F | T | T | !< !< @note This implementation is courtesy of !< [tomedunn](https://github.com/tomedunn/fortran-string-utility-module/blob/master/src/string_utility_module.f90#L294) !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(6) !< astring = ' -1212112 ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_integer().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -1212112' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_integer(allow_spaces=.false.).eqv..false. !< astring = '-1212112 ' !< test_passed(3) = astring%is_integer(allow_spaces=.false.).eqv..false. !< astring = '+2e20' !< test_passed(4) = astring%is_integer().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -2E13 ' !< test_passed(5) = astring%is_integer().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -2 E13 ' !< test_passed(6) = astring%is_integer().eqv..false. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_spaces !< Allow leading-trailing spaces. logical :: is_integer !< Result of the test. logical :: allow_spaces_ !< Allow leading-trailing spaces, local variable. integer :: stage !< Stages counter. integer :: c !< Character counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then allow_spaces_ = .true. ; if (present(allow_spaces)) allow_spaces_ = allow_spaces stage = 0 is_integer = .true. do c=1, len(self%raw) select case(self%raw(c:c)) case(SPACE, TAB) select case(stage) case(0, 6) is_integer = allow_spaces_ case(2, 5) is_integer = allow_spaces_ stage = 6 case default is_integer = .false. endselect case('-') select case(stage) case(0) stage = 1 case default is_integer = .false. end select case('+') select case(stage) case(0) stage = 1 case(3) stage = 4 case default is_integer = .false. endselect case('0':'9') select case(stage) case(0:1) stage = 2 case(3:4) stage = 5 case default continue endselect case ('e','E') select case(stage) case(2) stage = 3 case default is_integer = .false. endselect case default is_integer = .false. endselect if (.not.is_integer) exit enddo endif if (is_integer) then select case(stage) case(2, 5, 6) is_integer = .true. case default is_integer = .false. end select endif endfunction is_integer elemental function is_lower(self) !< Return true if all characters in the string are lowercase. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = ' Hello World' !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_lower().eqv..false. !< astring = ' HELLO WORLD' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_lower().eqv..false. !< astring = ' hello world' !< test_passed(3) = astring%is_lower().eqv..true. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical :: is_lower !< Result of the test. integer :: c !< Character counter. is_lower = .false. if (allocated(self%raw)) then is_lower = .true. do c=1, len(self%raw) if (index(UPPER_ALPHABET, self%raw(c:c))>0) then is_lower = .false. exit endif enddo endif endfunction is_lower elemental function is_number(self, allow_spaces) !< Return true if the string contains a number (real or integer). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(7) !< astring = ' -1212112 ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_number().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -121.2112 ' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_number().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -1212112' !< test_passed(3) = astring%is_number(allow_spaces=.false.).eqv..false. !< astring = '-12121.12 ' !< test_passed(4) = astring%is_number(allow_spaces=.false.).eqv..false. !< astring = '+2e20' !< test_passed(5) = astring%is_number().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -2.4E13 ' !< test_passed(6) = astring%is_number().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -2 E13 ' !< test_passed(7) = astring%is_number().eqv..false. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_spaces !< Allow leading-trailing spaces. logical :: is_number !< Result of the test. is_number = (self%is_integer(allow_spaces=allow_spaces).or.self%is_real(allow_spaces=allow_spaces)) endfunction is_number elemental function is_real(self, allow_spaces) !< Return true if the string contains a real. !< !< The regular expression is `\s*[\+\-]?\d*(|\.?\d*([deDE][\+\-]?\d+)?)\s*`. The parse algorithm is done in stages: !< !< | S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | !< |-----|---------|-----|-----|-----|--------|---------|-----|-----| !< |`\s*`|`[\+\-]?`|`\d*`|`\.?`|`\d*`|`[deDE]`|`[\+\-]?`|`\d*`|`\s*`| !< !< Exit on stages-parsing results in: !< !< | S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | !< |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ! | F | F | T | T | T | F | F | T | T | !< !< @note This implementation is courtesy of !< [tomedunn](https://github.com/tomedunn/fortran-string-utility-module/blob/master/src/string_utility_module.f90#L614) !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(6) !< astring = ' -1212112.d0 ' !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_real().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -1212112.d0' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_real(allow_spaces=.false.).eqv..false. !< astring = '-1212112.d0 ' !< test_passed(3) = astring%is_real(allow_spaces=.false.).eqv..false. !< astring = '+2.e20' !< test_passed(4) = astring%is_real().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -2.01E13 ' !< test_passed(5) = astring%is_real().eqv..true. !< astring = ' -2.01 E13 ' !< test_passed(6) = astring%is_real().eqv..false. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_spaces !< Allow leading-trailing spaces. logical :: is_real !< Result of the test. logical :: allow_spaces_ !< Allow leading-trailing spaces, local variable. logical :: has_leading_digit !< Check the presence of leading digits. integer :: stage !< Stages counter. integer :: c !< Character counter. if (allocated(self%raw)) then allow_spaces_ = .true. ; if (present(allow_spaces)) allow_spaces_ = allow_spaces stage = 0 is_real = .true. has_leading_digit = .false. do c=1, len(self%raw) select case(self%raw(c:c)) case(SPACE, TAB) select case(stage) case(0, 8) is_real = allow_spaces_ continue case(2:4, 7) is_real = allow_spaces_ stage = 8 case default is_real = .false. endselect case('+', '-') select case(stage) case(0) stage = 1 case(5) stage = 6 case default is_real = .false. endselect case('0':'9') select case(stage) case(0:1) stage = 2 has_leading_digit = .true. case(3) stage = 4 case(5:6) stage = 7 case default continue endselect case('.') select case(stage) case(0:2) stage = 3 case default is_real = .false. endselect case('e','E','d','D') select case(stage) case(2:4) stage = 5 case default is_real = .false. endselect case default is_real = .false. endselect if (.not.is_real) exit enddo endif if (is_real) then select case(stage) case(2, 4, 7, 8) is_real = .true. case(3) is_real = has_leading_digit case default is_real = .false. endselect endif endfunction is_real elemental function is_upper(self) !< Return true if all characters in the string are uppercase. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = ' Hello World' !< test_passed(1) = astring%is_upper().eqv..false. !< astring = ' HELLO WORLD' !< test_passed(2) = astring%is_upper().eqv..true. !< astring = ' hello world' !< test_passed(3) = astring%is_upper().eqv..false. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. logical :: is_upper !< Result of the test. integer :: c !< Character counter. is_upper = .false. if (allocated(self%raw)) then is_upper = .true. do c=1, len(self%raw) if (index(LOWER_ALPHABET, self%raw(c:c))>0) then is_upper = .false. exit endif enddo endif endfunction is_upper elemental function start_with(self, prefix, start, end) !< Return true if a string starts with a specified prefix. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(4) !< astring = 'Hello WorLD!' !< test_passed(1) = astring%start_with(prefix='Hello').eqv..true. !< test_passed(2) = astring%start_with(prefix='hell').eqv..false. !< test_passed(3) = astring%start_with(prefix='llo Wor', start=3).eqv..true. !< test_passed(4) = astring%start_with(prefix='lo W', start=4, end=7).eqv..true. !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: prefix !< Searched prefix. integer, intent(in), optional :: start !< Start position into the string. integer, intent(in), optional :: end !< End position into the string. logical :: start_with !< Result of the test. integer :: start_ !< Start position into the string, local variable. integer :: end_ !< End position into the string, local variable. start_with = .false. if (allocated(self%raw)) then start_ = 1 ; if (present(start)) start_ = start end_ = len(self%raw) ; if (present(end)) end_ = end if (len(prefix)<=len(self%raw(start_:end_))) then start_with = index(self%raw(start_:end_), prefix)==1 endif endif endfunction start_with ! private methods ! assignments pure subroutine string_assign_string(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from string input. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'hello' !< anotherstring = astring !< test_passed(1) = astring%chars()==anotherstring%chars() !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. if (allocated(rhs%raw)) lhs%raw = rhs%raw endsubroutine string_assign_string pure subroutine string_assign_character(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from character input. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'hello' !< test_passed(1) = astring%chars()=='hello' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = rhs endsubroutine string_assign_character pure subroutine string_assign_integer_I1P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from integer input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 127_I1P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1_I1P)==127_I1P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. integer(I1P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_integer_I1P pure subroutine string_assign_integer_I2P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from integer input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 127_I2P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1_I2P)==127_I2P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. integer(I2P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_integer_I2P pure subroutine string_assign_integer_I4P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from integer input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 127_I4P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1_I4P)==127_I4P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. integer(I4P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_integer_I4P pure subroutine string_assign_integer_I8P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from integer input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 127_I8P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1_I8P)==127_I8P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. integer(I8P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_integer_I8P pure subroutine string_assign_real_R4P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from real input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 3.021e6_R4P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1._R4P)==3.021e6_R4P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. real(R4P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_real_R4P pure subroutine string_assign_real_R8P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from real input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 3.021e6_R8P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1._R8P)==3.021e6_R8P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. real(R8P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_real_R8P pure subroutine string_assign_real_R16P(lhs, rhs) !< Assignment operator from real input. !< !<```fortran !< use penf !< type(string) :: astring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 3.021e6_R8P !< test_passed(1) = astring%to_number(kind=1._R8P)==3.021e6_R8P !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(inout) :: lhs !< Left hand side. real(R16P), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. lhs%raw = trim(str(rhs)) endsubroutine string_assign_real_R16P ! contatenation operators pure function string_concat_string(lhs, rhs) result(concat) !< Concatenation with string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello ' !< anotherstring = 'Bye bye' !< test_passed(1) = astring//anotherstring=='Hello Bye bye' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: concat !< Concatenated string. concat = '' if (allocated(lhs%raw)) concat = lhs%raw if (allocated(rhs%raw)) concat = concat//rhs%raw endfunction string_concat_string pure function string_concat_character(lhs, rhs) result(concat) !< Concatenation with character. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello ' !< acharacter = 'World!' !< test_passed(1) = astring//acharacter=='Hello World!' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: concat !< Concatenated string. if (allocated(lhs%raw)) then concat = lhs%raw//rhs else concat = rhs endif endfunction string_concat_character pure function character_concat_string(lhs, rhs) result(concat) !< Concatenation with character (inverted). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello ' !< acharacter = 'World!' !< test_passed(1) = acharacter//astring=='World!Hello ' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: concat !< Concatenated string. if (allocated(rhs%raw)) then concat = lhs//rhs%raw else concat = lhs endif endfunction character_concat_string elemental function string_concat_string_string(lhs, rhs) result(concat) !< Concatenation with string. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< type(string) :: yetanotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello ' !< anotherstring = 'Bye bye' !< yetanotherstring = astring.cat.anotherstring !< test_passed(1) = yetanotherstring%chars()=='Hello Bye bye' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. type(string) :: concat !< Concatenated string. character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: temporary !< Temporary concatenated string. temporary = '' if (allocated(lhs%raw)) temporary = lhs%raw if (allocated(rhs%raw)) temporary = temporary//rhs%raw if (temporary/='') concat%raw = temporary endfunction string_concat_string_string elemental function string_concat_character_string(lhs, rhs) result(concat) !< Concatenation with character. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: yetanotherstring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello ' !< acharacter = 'World!' !< yetanotherstring = astring.cat.acharacter !< test_passed(1) = yetanotherstring%chars()=='Hello World!' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. type(string) :: concat !< Concatenated string. if (allocated(lhs%raw)) then concat%raw = lhs%raw//rhs else concat%raw = rhs endif endfunction string_concat_character_string elemental function character_concat_string_string(lhs, rhs) result(concat) !< Concatenation with character (inverted). !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: yetanotherstring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(1) !< astring = 'Hello ' !< acharacter = 'World!' !< yetanotherstring = acharacter.cat.astring !< test_passed(1) = yetanotherstring%chars()=='World!Hello ' !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. type(string) :: concat !< Concatenated string. if (allocated(rhs%raw)) then concat%raw = lhs//rhs%raw else concat%raw = lhs endif endfunction character_concat_string_string ! logical operators elemental function string_eq_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Equal to string logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' one ' !< anotherstring = 'two' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring==anotherstring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'the same ' !< anotherstring = 'the same ' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring==anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw == rhs%raw endfunction string_eq_string elemental function string_eq_character(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Equal to character logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' one ' !< acharacter = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring==acharacter).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'the same ' !< acharacter = 'the same ' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring==acharacter).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw == rhs endfunction string_eq_character elemental function character_eq_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Equal to character (inverted) logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' one ' !< acharacter = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = ((acharacter==astring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'the same ' !< acharacter = 'the same ' !< test_passed(2) = ((acharacter==astring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = rhs%raw == lhs endfunction character_eq_string elemental function string_ne_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Not equal to string logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' one ' !< anotherstring = 'two' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring/=anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'the same ' !< anotherstring = 'the same ' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring/=anotherstring).eqv..false.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw /= rhs%raw endfunction string_ne_string elemental function string_ne_character(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Not equal to character logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' one ' !< acharacter = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring/=acharacter).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'the same ' !< acharacter = 'the same ' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring/=acharacter).eqv..false.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw /= rhs endfunction string_ne_character elemental function character_ne_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Not equal to character (inverted) logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = ' one ' !< acharacter = 'three' !< test_passed(1) = ((acharacter/=astring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'the same ' !< acharacter = 'the same ' !< test_passed(2) = ((acharacter/=astring).eqv..false.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = rhs%raw /= lhs endfunction character_ne_string elemental function string_lt_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Lower than to string logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'one' !< anotherstring = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring<anotherstring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< anotherstring = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring<anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw < rhs%raw endfunction string_lt_string elemental function string_lt_character(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Lower than to character logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring<acharacter).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring<acharacter).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw < rhs endfunction string_lt_character elemental function character_lt_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Lower than to character (inverted) logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((acharacter<astring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((acharacter<astring).eqv..false.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs < rhs%raw endfunction character_lt_string elemental function string_le_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Lower equal than to string logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'one' !< anotherstring = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring<=anotherstring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< anotherstring = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring<=anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< anotherstring = 'ONE' !< test_passed(3) = ((astring<=anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw <= rhs%raw endfunction string_le_string elemental function string_le_character(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Lower equal than to character logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring<=acharacter).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring<=acharacter).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(3) = ((astring<=acharacter).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw <= rhs endfunction string_le_character elemental function character_le_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Lower equal than to character (inverted) logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((acharacter<=astring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((acharacter<=astring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(3) = ((acharacter<=astring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs <= rhs%raw endfunction character_le_string elemental function string_ge_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Greater equal than to string logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'one' !< anotherstring = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring>=anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< anotherstring = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring>=anotherstring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< anotherstring = 'ONE' !< test_passed(3) = ((astring>=anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw >= rhs%raw endfunction string_ge_string elemental function string_ge_character(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Greater equal than to character logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring>=acharacter).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring>=acharacter).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(3) = ((astring>=acharacter).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw >= rhs endfunction string_ge_character elemental function character_ge_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Greater equal than to character (inverted) logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(3) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((acharacter>=astring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((acharacter>=astring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(3) = ((acharacter>=astring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs >= rhs%raw endfunction character_ge_string elemental function string_gt_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Greater than to string logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< type(string) :: anotherstring !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'one' !< anotherstring = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring>anotherstring).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< anotherstring = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring>anotherstring).eqv..false.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. type(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw > rhs%raw endfunction string_gt_string elemental function string_gt_character(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Greater than to character logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((astring>acharacter).eqv..true.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((astring>acharacter).eqv..false.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< class(string), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs%raw > rhs endfunction string_gt_character elemental function character_gt_string(lhs, rhs) result(is_it) !< Greater than to character (inverted) logical operator. !< !<```fortran !< type(string) :: astring !< character(len=:), allocatable :: acharacter !< logical :: test_passed(2) !< astring = 'one' !< acharacter = 'ONE' !< test_passed(1) = ((acharacter>astring).eqv..false.) !< astring = 'ONE' !< acharacter = 'one' !< test_passed(2) = ((acharacter>astring).eqv..true.) !< print '(L1)', all(test_passed) !<``` !=> T <<< character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: lhs !< Left hand side. class(string), intent(in) :: rhs !< Right hand side. logical :: is_it !< Opreator test result. is_it = lhs > rhs%raw endfunction character_gt_string ! IO subroutine read_formatted(dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg) !< Formatted input. !< !< @bug Change temporary acks: find a more precise length of the input string and avoid the trimming! !< !< @bug Read listdirected with and without delimiters does not work. class(string), intent(inout) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(len=*), intent(in) :: iotype !< Edit descriptor. integer, intent(in) :: v_list(:) !< Edit descriptor list. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. character(len=len(iomsg)) :: local_iomsg !< Local variant of iomsg, so it doesn't get inappropriately redefined. character(kind=CK, len=1) :: delim !< String delimiter, if any. character(kind=CK, len=100) :: temporary !< Temporary storage string. if (iotype == 'LISTDIRECTED') then call get_next_non_blank_character_any_record(unit=unit, ch=delim, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) if (iostat/=0) return if (delim=='"'.OR.delim=="'") then call dtv%read_delimited(unit=unit, delim=delim, iostat=iostat, iomsg=local_iomsg) else ! step back before the non-blank read(unit, "(TL1)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) if (iostat /= 0) return call dtv%read_undelimited_listdirected(unit=unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=local_iomsg) endif if (is_iostat_eor(iostat)) then ! suppress IOSTAT_EOR iostat = 0 elseif (iostat /= 0) then iomsg = local_iomsg endif return else read(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)temporary dtv%raw = trim(temporary) endif endsubroutine read_formatted subroutine read_delimited(dtv, unit, delim, iostat, iomsg) !< Read a delimited string from a unit connected for formatted input. !< !< If the closing delimiter is followed by end of record, then we return end of record. !< !< @note This does not need a doctest, it being tested by [[string::read_formatted]]. class(string), intent(out) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(kind=CK, len=1), intent(in) :: delim !< String delimiter. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. character(kind=CK, len=1) :: ch !< A character read. logical :: was_delim !< Indicates that the last character read was a delimiter. was_delim = .false. dtv%raw = '' do read(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) ch if (is_iostat_eor(iostat)) then if (was_delim) then ! end of delimited string followed by end of record is end of the string. Pass back the ! end of record condition to the caller return else ! end of record without terminating delimiter - move along cycle endif elseif (iostat /= 0) THEN return endif if (ch == delim) then if (was_delim) then ! doubled delimiter is one delimiter in the value dtv%raw = dtv%raw // ch was_delim = .false. else ! need to test next character to see what is happening was_delim = .true. endif elseif (was_delim) then ! the previous character was actually the delimiter for the end of the string. Put back this character read(unit, "(TL1)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) return else dtv%raw = dtv%raw // ch endif enddo endsubroutine read_delimited subroutine read_undelimited_listdirected(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg) !< Read an undelimited (no leading apostrophe or double quote) character value according to the rules for list directed input. !< !< A blank, comma/semicolon (depending on the decimal mode), slash or end of record terminates the string. !< !< If input is terminated by end of record, then this procedure returns an end-of-record condition. class(string), intent(inout) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. logical :: decimal_point !<True if DECIMAL=POINT in effect. call get_decimal_mode(unit=unit, decimal_point=decimal_point, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) if (iostat /= 0) return call dtv%read_undelimited(unit=unit, terminators=' '//'/'//merge(CK_',', CK_';', decimal_point), iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) endsubroutine read_undelimited_listdirected subroutine read_undelimited(dtv, unit, terminators, iostat, iomsg) !< Read an undelimited string up until end of record or a character from a set of terminators is encountered. !< !< If a terminator is encountered, the file position will be at that terminating character. If end of record is encountered, the !< file remains at end of record. class(string), intent(inout) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: terminators !< Characters that are considered to terminate the string. !< Blanks in this string are meaningful. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. character(kind=CK, len=1) :: ch !< A character read. dtv%raw = '' do read(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) ch if (is_iostat_eor(iostat)) then ! end of record just means end of string. We pass on the condition return elseif (iostat /= 0) then ! something odd happened return endif if (scan(ch, terminators) /= 0) then ! change the file position so that the next read sees the terminator read(unit, "(TL1)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) if (iostat /= 0) return iostat = 0 return endif ! we got a character - append it dtv%raw = dtv%raw // ch enddo endsubroutine read_undelimited subroutine write_formatted(dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg) !< Formatted output. class(string), intent(in) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: iotype !< Edit descriptor. integer, intent(in) :: v_list(:) !< Edit descriptor list. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. if (allocated(dtv%raw)) then write(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)dtv%raw else write(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)'' endif endsubroutine write_formatted subroutine read_unformatted(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg) !< Unformatted input. !< !< @bug Change temporary acks: find a more precise length of the input string and avoid the trimming! class(string), intent(inout) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. character(kind=CK, len=100) :: temporary !< Temporary storage string. read(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)temporary dtv%raw = trim(temporary) endsubroutine read_unformatted subroutine write_unformatted(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg) !< Unformatted output. class(string), intent(in) :: dtv !< The string. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. if (allocated(dtv%raw)) then write(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)dtv%raw else write(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)'' endif endsubroutine write_unformatted ! miscellanea elemental function replace_one_occurrence(self, old, new) result(replaced) !< Return a string with the first occurrence of substring old replaced by new. !< !< @note The doctest is not necessary, this being tested by [[string:replace]]. class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: old !< Old substring. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in) :: new !< New substring. type(string) :: replaced !< The string with old replaced by new. integer :: pos !< Position from which replace old. if (allocated(self%raw)) then replaced = self pos = index(string=self%raw, substring=old) if (pos>0) then if (pos==1) then replaced%raw = new//self%raw(len(old)+1:) else replaced%raw = self%raw(1:pos-1)//new//self%raw(pos+len(old):) endif endif endif endfunction replace_one_occurrence ! non type-bound-procedures subroutine get_delimiter_mode(unit, delim, iostat, iomsg) !< Get the DELIM changeable connection mode for the given unit. !< !< If the unit is connected to an internal file, then the default value of NONE is always returned. use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : iostat_inquire_internal_unit integer, intent(in) :: unit !< The unit for the connection. character(len=1, kind=CK), intent(out) :: delim !< Represents the value of the DELIM mode. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IOSTAT error code, non-zero on error. character(*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IOMSG explanatory message - only defined if iostat is non-zero. character(10) :: delim_buffer !< Buffer for INQUIRE about DELIM, sized for APOSTROHPE. character(len(iomsg)) :: local_iomsg !< Local variant of iomsg, so it doesn't get inappropriately redefined. ! get the string representation of the changeable mode inquire(unit, delim=delim_buffer, iostat=iostat, iomsg=local_iomsg) if (iostat == iostat_inquire_internal_unit) then ! no way of determining the DELIM mode for an internal file iostat = 0 delim = '' return elseif (iostat /= 0) then iomsg = local_iomsg return endif ! interpret the DELIM string if (delim_buffer == 'QUOTE') then delim = '"' elseif (delim_buffer == 'APOSTROPHE') then delim = '''' else delim = '"' endif endsubroutine get_delimiter_mode subroutine get_next_non_blank_character_this_record(unit, ch, iostat, iomsg) !< Get the next non-blank character in the current record. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(kind=CK, len=1), intent(out) :: ch !< The non-blank character read. Not valid if IOSTAT is non-zero. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. do ! we spcify non-advancing, just in case we want this callable outside the context of a child input statement ! the PAD specifier simply saves the need for the READ statement to define ch if EOR is hit ! read(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg, advance='NO') ch ! ...but that causes ifort to blow up at runtime read(unit, "(A)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg, pad='NO') ch if (iostat /= 0) return if (ch /= '') exit enddo endsubroutine get_next_non_blank_character_this_record subroutine get_next_non_blank_character_any_record(unit, ch, iostat, iomsg) !< Get the next non-blank character, advancing records if necessary. integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. character(kind=CK, len=1), intent(out) :: ch !< The non-blank character read. Not valid if IOSTAT is non-zero. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. character(len(iomsg)) :: local_iomsg !< Local variant of iomsg, so it doesn't get inappropriately redefined. do call get_next_non_blank_character_this_record(unit=unit, ch=ch, iostat=iostat, iomsg=local_iomsg) if (is_iostat_eor(iostat)) then ! try again on the next record read (unit, "(/)", iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) if (iostat /= 0) return elseif (iostat /= 0) then ! some sort of problem iomsg = local_iomsg return else ! got it exit endif enddo endsubroutine get_next_non_blank_character_any_record subroutine get_decimal_mode(unit, decimal_point, iostat, iomsg) !< Get the DECIMAL changeable connection mode for the given unit. !< !< If the unit is connected to an internal file, then the default value of DECIMAL is always returned. This may not be the !< actual value in force at the time of the call to this procedure. use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : iostat_inquire_internal_unit integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit. logical, intent(out) :: decimal_point !< True if the decimal mode is POINT, false otherwise. integer, intent(out) :: iostat !< IO status code. character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg !< IO status message. character(5) :: decimal_buffer !< Buffer for INQUIRE about DECIMAL, sized for POINT or COMMA. character(len(iomsg)) :: local_iomsg !< Local iomsg, so it doesn't get inappropriately redefined. inquire(unit, decimal=decimal_buffer, iostat=iostat, iomsg=local_iomsg) if (iostat == iostat_inquire_internal_unit) then ! no way of determining the decimal mode for an internal file iostat = 0 decimal_point = .true. return else if (iostat /= 0) then iomsg = local_iomsg return endif decimal_point = decimal_buffer == 'POINT' endsubroutine get_decimal_mode endmodule stringifor_string_t