program stringifor_test_csv_naive_parser
!< StringiFor *csv naive parser* test.
!< This is an example of the usefulness of StringiFor.
use stringifor
implicit none
type(string) :: csv !< The CSV file as a single stream.
type(string), allocatable :: rows(:) !< The CSV table rows.
type(string), allocatable :: columns(:) !< The CSV table columns.
type(string), allocatable :: cells(:,:) !< The CSV table cells.
type(string) :: lines(4) !< The CSV file lines.
type(string) :: most_expensive !< The most expensive car.
real(R8P) :: highest_cost !< The highest cost.
integer :: rows_number !< The CSV file rows number.
integer :: columns_number !< The CSV file columns number.
integer :: c, r !< Counter.
logical :: test_passed(1) !< List of passed tests.
test_passed = .false.
! a cars database
lines(1) = 'Year,Make,Model,Description,Price'
lines(2) = '1997,Ford,E350,ac abs moon,3000.00'
lines(3) = '1999,Chevy,Venture "Extended Edition", ,4900.00'
lines(4) = '1999,Chevy,Venture "Extended Edition Very Large", ,5000.00'
! preparing a CSV file test
call write_file(file='file_test_temp.csv', lines=lines)
! parsing the just created CSV file
call csv%read_file(file='file_test_temp.csv') ! read the CSV file as a single stream
call csv%split(tokens=rows, sep=new_line('a')) ! get the CSV file rows
rows_number = size(rows, dim=1) ! get the CSV file rows number
columns_number = rows(1)%count(',') + 1 ! get the CSV file columns number
allocate(cells(1:columns_number, 1:rows_number)) ! allocate the CSV file cells
do r=1, rows_number ! parse all cells
call rows(r)%split(tokens=columns, sep=',') ! get current columns
cells(1:columns_number, r) = columns ! save current columns into cells
! eliminating the file
open(newunit=r, file='file_test_temp.csv') ; close(unit=r, status='DELETE')
! now you can do whatever with your parsed data
! print the table in markdown syntax
print "(A)", 'A markdown-formatted table'
print "(A)", ''
print "(A)", '|'//csv%join(array=cells(:, 1), sep='|')//'|'
do c=1, columns_number
columns(c) = '----' ! re-use columns for printing separators
print "(A)", '|'//csv%join(array=columns, sep='|')//'|'
do r=2, rows_number
print "(A)", '|'//csv%join(array=cells(:, r), sep='|')//'|'
print "(A)", ''
! find the most expensive car
print "(A)", 'Searching for the most expensive car'
most_expensive = 'unknown'
highest_cost = -1._R8P
do r=2, rows_number
if (cells(5, r)%to_number(kind=1._R8P)>=highest_cost) then
highest_cost = cells(5, r)%to_number(kind=1._R8P)
most_expensive = csv%join(array=[cells(2, r), cells(3, r)], sep=' ')
test_passed(1) = most_expensive//'' == 'Chevy Venture "Extended Edition Very Large"'
print "(A,L1)", 'The most expensive car is : '//most_expensive//', is correct? ', test_passed(1)
print "(A,L1)", new_line('a')//'Are all tests passed? ', all(test_passed)
endprogram stringifor_test_csv_naive_parser