Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character, | intent(in) | :: | xml_volatile | |||
character, | intent(in) | :: | filename |
function write_xml_volatile(xml_volatile, filename) result(error)
!< Write the volatile file into a real file.
!< This is what a master process should do into a parallel scenario where it being the only process allowed to access to
!< filesystem: slave processes create XML volatile file econded into a characters string and master process collects and writes
!< them by means of `write_xml_volatile`.
character(*), intent(in) :: xml_volatile !< XML volatile file.
character(*), intent(in) :: filename !< XML file name.
integer(I4P) :: error !< Status error.
integer(I4P) :: xml_unit !< XML file unit.
open(newunit=xml_unit, &
file=trim(adjustl(filename)), &
access='STREAM', &
action='WRITE', &
status='REPLACE', &
write(unit=xml_unit, iostat=error) xml_volatile
endfunction write_xml_volatile