write_on_scratch_dataarray3_rank1_I1P Function

private function write_on_scratch_dataarray3_rank1_I1P(self, x, y, z) result(n_byte)


class(xml_writer_appended), intent(inout) :: self
integer(kind=I1P), intent(in) :: x(1:)
integer(kind=I1P), intent(in) :: y(1:)
integer(kind=I1P), intent(in) :: z(1:)

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)


Source Code

  function write_on_scratch_dataarray3_rank1_I1P(self, x, y, z) result(n_byte)
  !< Write a dataarray with 3 components of rank 1 (I1P).
  class(xml_writer_appended), intent(inout) :: self   !< Writer.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)    :: x(1:)  !< X component.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)    :: y(1:)  !< Y component.
  integer(I1P),               intent(in)    :: z(1:)  !< Z component.
  integer(I4P)                              :: n_byte !< Number of bytes
  integer(I4P)                              :: n      !< Counter.

  n_byte = self%write_on_scratch_dataarray(x=[(x(n), y(n), z(n), n=1,size(x, dim=1))])
  endfunction write_on_scratch_dataarray3_rank1_I1P