function write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R8P(self, np, nc, xyz) result(error)
!< Write mesh with **UnstructuredGrid** topology (data 1, rank 2, R8P).
class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self !< Writer.
integer(I4P), intent(in) :: np !< Number of points.
integer(I4P), intent(in) :: nc !< Number of cells.
real(R8P), intent(in) :: xyz(1:,1:) !< X, y, z coordinates [1:3,:].
integer(I4P) :: error !< Error status.
if (np/=size(xyz, dim=2)) then
self%error = 1
call self%write_start_tag(name='Points')
error = self%write_dataarray(data_name='Points', x=xyz)
call self%write_end_tag(name='Points')
error = self%error
endfunction write_geo_unst_data1_rank2_R8P