function write_dataarray_location_tag(self, location, action) result(error)
!< Write `<[/]PointData>` or `<[/]CellData>` open/close tag.
!< @note **must** be called before saving the data related to geometric mesh, this function initializes the
!< saving of data variables indicating the *location* (node or cell centered) of variables that will be saved.
!< @note A single file can contain both cell and node centered variables. In this case the VTK_DAT_XML function must be
!< called two times, before saving cell-centered variables and before saving node-centered variables.
!<### Examples of usage
!<#### Opening node piece
!< error = vtk%write_dataarray('node','OPeN')
!<#### Closing node piece
!< error = vtk%write_dataarray('node','Close')
!<#### Opening cell piece
!< error = vtk%write_dataarray('cell','OPEN')
!<#### Closing cell piece
!< error = vtk%write_dataarray('cell','close')
class(xml_writer_abstract), intent(inout) :: self !< Writer.
character(*), intent(in) :: location !< Location of variables: **cell** or **node** centered.
character(*), intent(in) :: action !< Action: **open** or **close** tag.
integer(I4P) :: error !< Error status.
type(string) :: location_ !< Location string.
type(string) :: action_ !< Action string.
location_ = trim(adjustl(location)) ; location_ = location_%upper()
action_ = trim(adjustl(action)) ; action_ = action_%upper()
select case(location_%chars())
location_ = 'CellData'
location_ = 'PointData'
select case(self%topology%chars())
case('PRectilinearGrid', 'PStructuredGrid', 'PUnstructuredGrid')
location_ = 'P'//location_
select case(action_%chars())
call self%write_start_tag(name=location_%chars())
call self%write_end_tag(name=location_%chars())
error = self%error
endfunction write_dataarray_location_tag