function write_block_string(self, action, filenames, names, name) result(error)
!< Write one block dataset (string input).
!<#### Example of usage: 3 files blocks
!< error = vtm%write_block(filenames='file_1.vts file_2.vts file_3.vtu', name='my_block')
!<#### Example of usage: 3 files blocks with custom name
!< error = vtm%write_block(filenames='file_1.vts file_2.vts file_3.vtu', names='block-bar block-foo block-baz', name='my_block')
class(vtm_file), intent(inout) :: self !< VTM file.
character(*), intent(in), optional :: action !< Action: [open, close, write].
character(*), intent(in), optional :: filenames !< File names of VTK files grouped into current block.
character(*), intent(in), optional :: names !< Auxiliary names attributed to each files.
character(*), intent(in), optional :: name !< Block name
integer(I4P) :: error !< Error status.
type(string) :: action_ !< Action string.
if (present(action)) then
action_ = trim(adjustl(action)) ; action_ = action_%upper()
select case(action_%chars())
error = self%xml_writer%write_parallel_open_block(name=name)
error = self%xml_writer%write_parallel_close_block()
if (present(filenames)) error = self%xml_writer%write_parallel_block_files(filenames=filenames, names=names)
error = self%xml_writer%write_parallel_open_block(name=name)
error = self%xml_writer%write_parallel_block_files(filenames=filenames, names=names)
error = self%xml_writer%write_parallel_close_block()
endfunction write_block_string