function tempname(self, is_file, prefix, path)
!< Return a safe temporary name suitable for temporary file or directories.
!< type(string) :: astring
!< character(len=:), allocatable :: tmpname
!< logical :: test_passed(5)
!< tmpname = astring%tempname()
!< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(1))
!< test_passed(1) = .not.test_passed(1)
!< tmpname = astring%tempname(is_file=.false.)
!< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(2))
!< test_passed(2) = .not.test_passed(2)
!< tmpname = astring%tempname(path='./')
!< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(3))
!< test_passed(3) = .not.test_passed(3)
!< astring = 'me-'
!< tmpname = astring%tempname()
!< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(4))
!< test_passed(4) = .not.test_passed(4)
!< tmpname = astring%tempname(prefix='you-')
!< inquire(file=tmpname, exist=test_passed(5))
!< test_passed(5) = .not.test_passed(5)
!< print '(L1)', all(test_passed)
!=> T <<<
class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string.
logical, intent(in), optional :: is_file !< True if tempname should be used for file (the default).
character(*), intent(in), optional :: prefix !< Name prefix, otherwise self is used (if allocated).
character(*), intent(in), optional :: path !< Path where file/directory should be used, default `./`.
character(len=:), allocatable :: tempname !< Safe (unique) temporary name.
logical :: is_file_ !< True if tempname should be used for file (the default).
character(len=:), allocatable :: prefix_ !< Name prefix, otherwise self is used (if allocated).
character(len=:), allocatable :: path_ !< Path where file/directory should be used, default `./`.
logical, save :: is_initialized=.false. !< Status of random seed initialization.
real(R4P) :: random_real !< Random number (real).
integer(I4P) :: random_integer !< Random number (integer).
logical :: is_hold !< Flag to check if a safe tempname has been found.
is_file_ = .true. ; if (present(is_file)) is_file_ = is_file
path_ = '' ; if (present(path)) path_ = path
prefix_ = ''
if (present(prefix)) then
prefix_ = prefix
elseif (allocated(self%raw)) then
prefix_ = self%raw
if (.not.is_initialized) then
call random_seed
is_initialized = .true.
tempname = repeat(' ', len(path_) + len(prefix_) + 10) ! [path_] + [prefix_] + 6 random chars + [.tmp]
call random_number(random_real)
random_integer = transfer(random_real, random_integer)
random_integer = iand(random_integer, 16777215_I4P)
if (is_file_) then
write(tempname, '(A,Z6.6,A)') path_//prefix_, random_integer, '.tmp'
write(tempname, '(A,Z6.6)') path_//prefix_, random_integer
tempname = trim(tempname)
inquire(file=tempname, exist=is_hold)
if (.not.is_hold) exit
endfunction tempname