elemental subroutine search(self, tag_name, source, tstart, tend)
!< Search tag named *tag_name* into a string and, in case it is found, store into self.
!< @note If *tag_name* is not found, self is returned empty.
class(xml_tag), intent(inout) :: self !< XML tag.
character(*), intent(in) :: tag_name !< Searched tag name.
character(*), intent(in) :: source !< String containing the input.
integer(I4P), optional, intent(out) :: tstart !< Starting index of tag inside the source.
integer(I4P), optional, intent(out) :: tend !< Ending index of tag inside the source.
type(xml_tag) :: tag !< Dummy XML tag.
integer(I4P) :: tstart_ !< Starting index of tag inside the source, local variable.
integer(I4P) :: tend_ !< Ending index of tag inside the source, local variable.
logical :: found !< Flag for inquiring search result.
integer(I4P) :: tstart_c !< Starting index of tag inside the current slice of source.
integer(I4P) :: tend_c !< Starting index of tag inside the current slice of source.
integer(I4P) :: i
call self%free
self%tag_name = tag_name
tstart_ = 1
tend_ = 0
found = .false.
tstart_c = 0
tend_c = 0
Tag_Search: do
call tag%parse(source=source(tend_ + 1:), tstart=tstart_c, tend=tend_c)
tstart_ = tstart_ + tend_
tend_ = tend_ + tend_c
if (tstart_c==0.and.tend_c==0) then
exit Tag_Search ! no tag found
if (tag%tag_name%is_allocated()) then
if (tag%tag_name==self%tag_name) then
found = .true.
if (found) exit Tag_Search
enddo Tag_Search
if (found) then
self = tag
call self%free
if (present(tstart)) tstart = tstart_
if (present(tend )) tend = tend_
endsubroutine search