subroutine read_lines(self, unit, form, iostat, iomsg)
!< Read (all) lines (records) from a connected unit as a single ascii stream.
!< @note All the lines are stored into the string self as a single ascii stream. Each line (record) is separated by a `new_line`
!< character. The line is read as an ascii stream read until the eor is reached.
!< @note The connected unit is rewinded. At a successful exit current record is at eof, at the beginning otherwise.
!< @note For unformatted read only `access='stream'` is supported with new_line as line terminator.
!< type(string) :: astring
!< type(string), allocatable :: strings(:)
!< type(string) :: line(3)
!< integer :: iostat
!< character(len=99) :: iomsg
!< integer :: scratch
!< integer :: l
!< logical :: test_passed(8)
!< line(1) = ' Hello World! '
!< line(2) = 'How are you? '
!< line(3) = ' All say: "Fine thanks"'
!< open(newunit=scratch, status='SCRATCH')
!< write(scratch, "(A)") line(1)%chars()
!< write(scratch, "(A)") line(2)%chars()
!< write(scratch, "(A)") line(3)%chars()
!< call astring%read_lines(unit=scratch, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)
!< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a'))
!< test_passed(1) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1))
!< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1)
!< test_passed(l+1) = (strings(l)==line(l))
!< enddo
!< close(scratch)
!< open(newunit=scratch, status='SCRATCH', form='UNFORMATTED', access='STREAM')
!< write(scratch) line(1)%chars()//new_line('a')
!< write(scratch) line(2)%chars()//new_line('a')
!< write(scratch) line(3)%chars()//new_line('a')
!< call astring%read_lines(unit=scratch, form='unformatted', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)
!< call astring%split(tokens=strings, sep=new_line('a'))
!< test_passed(5) = (size(strings, dim=1)==size(line, dim=1))
!< do l=1, size(strings, dim=1)
!< test_passed(l+5) = (strings(l)==line(l))
!< enddo
!< close(scratch)
!< print '(L1)', all(test_passed)
!=> T <<<
class(string), intent(inout) :: self !< The string.
integer, intent(in) :: unit !< Logical unit.
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: form !< Format of unit.
integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat !< IO status code.
character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: iomsg !< IO status message.
integer :: iostat_ !< IO status code, local variable.
character(len=:), allocatable :: iomsg_ !< IO status message, local variable.
type(string) :: lines !< Lines storage.
type(string) :: line !< Line storage.
iomsg_ = repeat(' ', 99) ; if (present(iomsg)) iomsg_ = iomsg
iostat_ = 0
lines%raw = ''
line%raw = ''
call line%read_line(unit=unit, form=form, iostat=iostat_, iomsg=iomsg_)
if (iostat_/=0.and..not.is_iostat_eor(iostat_)) then
elseif (line/='') then
lines%raw = lines%raw//line%raw//new_line('a')
if (lines%raw/='') self%raw = lines%raw
if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_
if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = iomsg_
endsubroutine read_lines