pure function join_strings(self, array, sep) result(join)
!< Return a string that is a join of an array of strings.
!< The join-separator is set equals to self if self has a value or it is set to a null string ''. This value can be overridden
!< passing a custom separator.
!< type(string) :: astring
!< type(string) :: strings(3)
!< logical :: test_passed(5)
!< strings(1) = 'one'
!< strings(2) = 'two'
!< strings(3) = 'three'
!< test_passed(1) = (astring%join(array=strings)//''==strings(1)//strings(2)//strings(3))
!< test_passed(2) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(2)//'-'//strings(3))
!< call strings(1)%free
!< strings(2) = 'two'
!< strings(3) = 'three'
!< test_passed(3) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(2)//'-'//strings(3))
!< strings(1) = 'one'
!< strings(2) = 'two'
!< call strings(3)%free
!< test_passed(4) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(2))
!< strings(1) = 'one'
!< call strings(2)%free
!< strings(3) = 'three'
!< test_passed(5) = (astring%join(array=strings, sep='-')//''==strings(1)//'-'//strings(3))
!< print '(L1)', all(test_passed)
!=> T <<<
class(string), intent(in) :: self !< The string.
type(string), intent(in) :: array(1:) !< Array to be joined.
character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep !< Separator.
type(string) :: join !< The join of array.
character(kind=CK, len=:), allocatable :: sep_ !< Separator, default value.
integer :: a !< Counter.
if (allocated(self%raw)) then
sep_ = self%raw
sep_ = ''
if (present(sep)) sep_ = sep
join = ''
do a=2, size(array, dim=1)
if (allocated(array(a)%raw)) join%raw = join%raw//sep_//array(a)%raw
if (allocated(array(1)%raw)) then
join%raw = array(1)%raw//join%raw
join%raw = join%raw(len(sep_)+1:len(join%raw))
endfunction join_strings