camelcase Function

private elemental function camelcase(self, sep)


class(string), intent(in) :: self
character(kind=CK,len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep

Return Value type(string)


Source Code

Source Code

   elemental function camelcase(self, sep)
   !< Return a string with all words capitalized without spaces.
   !< @note Multiple subsequent separators are collapsed to one occurence.
   !< type(string) :: astring
   !< astring = 'caMeL caSe var'
   !< print '(L1)', astring%camelcase()//''=='CamelCaseVar'
   !=> T <<<
   class(string),             intent(in)           :: self      !< The string.
   character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep       !< Separator.
   type(string)                                    :: camelcase !< Camel case string.
   type(string), allocatable                       :: tokens(:) !< String tokens.

   if (allocated(self%raw)) then
     call self%split(tokens=tokens, sep=sep)
     tokens = tokens%capitalize()
     camelcase = camelcase%join(array=tokens)
   endfunction camelcase