pure subroutine add_stream_attributes(self, attributes_stream, sanitize_values)
!< Add list of attributes name/value pairs passed as stream.
!< @note The character `=` cannot compare into the attributes names of values.
class(xml_tag), intent(inout) :: self !< XML tag.
character(*), intent(in) :: attributes_stream !< Attribute name/value pair list passed as stream.
logical, intent(in), optional :: sanitize_values !< Sanitize attribute values.
type(string) :: attributes_string !< Attribute name/value pair list as string.
type(string) :: tokens(1:3) !< Attributes tokenized by `=`.
type(string) :: attribute(1:2) !< Attribute name/value pair.
logical :: continue_to_parse !< Sentinel to stop attributes stream parsing.
integer(I4P) :: max_chars !< Counter.
attributes_string = attributes_stream
continue_to_parse = .true.
do while(continue_to_parse)
tokens = attributes_string%partition(sep='=')
attribute(1) = trim(adjustl(tokens(1)))
if (attribute(1)/='') then
tokens(3) = tokens(3)%slice(istart=tokens(3)%index('"')+1, iend=tokens(3)%len())
attribute(2) = tokens(3)%slice(istart=1, iend=tokens(3)%index('"')-1)
tokens(3) = tokens(3)%slice(istart=tokens(3)%index('"')+1, iend=tokens(3)%len())
max_chars = max(attribute(1)%len(), attribute(2)%len())
attribute(1) = attribute(1)%fill(width=max_chars, right=.true., filling_char=' ')
attribute(2) = attribute(2)%fill(width=max_chars, right=.true., filling_char=' ')
call self%add_single_attribute(attribute=[attribute(1)//'', attribute(2)//''], sanitize_value=sanitize_values)
if (tokens(3)%index('=')>0) then
attributes_string = tokens(3)
continue_to_parse = .false.
continue_to_parse = .false.
endsubroutine add_stream_attributes