get_decimal_mode Subroutine

private subroutine get_decimal_mode(unit, decimal_point, iostat, iomsg)


  • proc~~get_decimal_mode~~UsesGraph proc~get_decimal_mode stringifor_string_t::get_decimal_mode iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env proc~get_decimal_mode->iso_fortran_env

Get the DECIMAL changeable connection mode for the given unit.

If the unit is connected to an internal file, then the default value of DECIMAL is always returned. This may not be the actual value in force at the time of the call to this procedure.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: unit

Logical unit.

logical, intent(out) :: decimal_point

True if the decimal mode is POINT, false otherwise.

integer, intent(out) :: iostat

IO status code.

character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg

IO status message.

Called by

proc~~get_decimal_mode~~CalledByGraph proc~get_decimal_mode stringifor_string_t::get_decimal_mode proc~read_undelimited_listdirected stringifor_string_t::string%read_undelimited_listdirected proc~read_undelimited_listdirected->proc~get_decimal_mode proc~read_formatted stringifor_string_t::string%read_formatted proc~read_formatted->proc~read_undelimited_listdirected


Source Code

Source Code

   subroutine get_decimal_mode(unit, decimal_point, iostat, iomsg)
   !< Get the DECIMAL changeable connection mode for the given unit.
   !< If the unit is connected to an internal file, then the default value of DECIMAL is always returned. This may not be the
   !< actual value in force at the time of the call to this procedure.
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : iostat_inquire_internal_unit
   integer,                   intent(in)    :: unit           !< Logical unit.
   logical,                   intent(out)   :: decimal_point  !< True if the decimal mode is POINT, false otherwise.
   integer,                   intent(out)   :: iostat         !< IO status code.
   character(kind=CK, len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg          !< IO status message.
   character(5)                             :: decimal_buffer !< Buffer for INQUIRE about DECIMAL, sized for POINT or COMMA.
   character(len(iomsg))                    :: local_iomsg    !< Local iomsg, so it doesn't get inappropriately redefined.

   inquire(unit, decimal=decimal_buffer, iostat=iostat, iomsg=local_iomsg)
   if (iostat == iostat_inquire_internal_unit) then
      ! no way of determining the decimal mode for an internal file
      iostat = 0
      decimal_point = .true.
   else if (iostat /= 0) then
      iomsg = local_iomsg
   decimal_point = decimal_buffer == 'POINT'
   endsubroutine get_decimal_mode