byte_size_R16P Function

private elemental function byte_size_R16P(i) result(bytes)

Compute the number of bytes of a real variable.

 use penf
 print FI1P, byte_size(1._R16P)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=R16P), intent(in) :: i

Real variable whose number of bytes must be computed.

Return Value integer(kind=I1P)

Number of bytes of r.

Source Code

   elemental function byte_size_R16P(i) result(bytes)
   !< Compute the number of bytes of a real variable.
   !< use penf
   !< print FI1P, byte_size(1._R16P)
   !=> 16 <<<
   real(R16P), intent(in) :: i     !< Real variable whose number of bytes must be computed.
   integer(I1P)           :: bytes !< Number of bytes of r.

   bytes = bit_size(i) / 8_I1P
   endfunction byte_size_R16P