digit Interface

public interface digit

Compute the number of digits in decimal base of the input integer.


interface~~digit~~CallsGraph interface~digit digit proc~digit_i1 digit_I1 interface~digit->proc~digit_i1 proc~digit_i2 digit_I2 interface~digit->proc~digit_i2 proc~digit_i4 digit_I4 interface~digit->proc~digit_i4 proc~digit_i8 digit_I8 interface~digit->proc~digit_i8

Called by

interface~~digit~~CalledByGraph interface~digit digit program~volatile_doctest~104 volatile_doctest program~volatile_doctest~104->interface~digit program~volatile_doctest~122 volatile_doctest program~volatile_doctest~122->interface~digit program~volatile_doctest~195 volatile_doctest program~volatile_doctest~195->interface~digit program~volatile_doctest~60 volatile_doctest program~volatile_doctest~60->interface~digit

Module Procedures

private elemental function digit_I8(n) result(digit)

Compute the number of digits in decimal base of the input integer.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=I8P), intent(in) :: n

Input integer.

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

Number of digits.

private elemental function digit_I4(n) result(digit)

Compute the number of digits in decimal base of the input integer.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=I4P), intent(in) :: n

Input integer.

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

Number of digits.

private elemental function digit_I2(n) result(digit)

Compute the number of digits in decimal base of the input integer.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=I2P), intent(in) :: n

Input integer.

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

Number of digits.

private elemental function digit_I1(n) result(digit)

Compute the number of digits in decimal base of the input integer.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=I1P), intent(in) :: n

Input integer.

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

Number of digits.