count_substring Function

private elemental function count_substring(string, substring) result(No)

Count the number of occurences of a substring into a string.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string


character(len=*), intent(in) :: substring


Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

Number of occurrences.

Called by

proc~~count_substring~~CalledByGraph proc~count_substring flap_utils_m::count_substring interface~count flap_utils_m::count interface~count->proc~count_substring

Source Code

  elemental function count_substring(string, substring) result(No)
  !< Count the number of occurences of a substring into a string.
  character(*), intent(in) :: string    !< String.
  character(*), intent(in) :: substring !< Substring.
  integer(I4P)             :: No        !< Number of occurrences.
  integer(I4P)             :: c1        !< Counters.
  integer(I4P)             :: c2        !< Counters.

  No = 0
  if (len(substring)>len(string)) return
  c1 = 1
    c2 = index(string=string(c1:), substring=substring)
    if (c2==0) return
    No = No + 1
    c1 = c1 + c2 + len(substring)
  endfunction count_substring